Alpha Amarah

Chapter 96

---- Nanna has a smirk on her face as if she knows what Theseus said to me and I think my cheeks just turned a bright red color.

Joseph is looking out the window as Nanna points out where the gate to White Crescent Pack is and his eyes widen when four Guards step onto the road.

Two in Human form and two in Wolf form are blocking the gate as they are taught to do and when I link them that it is just us they step aside to let us pass.

Dad, why don't we have Guards like that at the gate? Joseph asks and I see Pappi and Nanna turning their heads towards him.

My Little Wolf, I think that has something to do with how your Grandfather ran Dark Mountain Pack and not with your Dad.

I say and he crunches his nose at the mention of his Grandfather.

I know that it was Damon that made sure that his Pack and Son were never trained properly, I just wonder if he hoped that Theseus would give up or that he had hoped that someone would have taken Theseus down in a war of Damons making.noveldrama

I hope it is the first, but I fear it will be the latter and if that is the case Damon better make sure we never cross paths again.

Calm down, Little One.

I hear Linus say in my head and I melt into their arms.

Linus always calls me Little One ---- when he is talking to me, he only occasionally uses Theseus nickname for me and I love that they both have a different name to call me.

Just thinking why Damon wouldn't train you and his Pack in the proper way and if it is why I think he did it, you better start digging his grave.

I explain and when I tell Linus what my train of thought had been I hear him roar in my head.

Little One, if you are correct then there will be nothing left to bury.

Linus growls and I crawl onto his lap to calm him down.

I am straddling his lap as I lock our lips together and I don't even notice it when we pull to a stop in front of the Pack-house or that there is a huge crowd of Pack-members gathered in front of it.

Mom, Dad.

You have an audience.

Joseph says giggling and I reluctantly break our kiss.

I place my forehead against his and tell him that I love him, before I turn my attention to the crowd outside the Pack-house.

I see a few shocked faces as their Daughters exit the SUVs followed by their Mates, but they quickly start smiling when they realize we all found our Mates.

The crowd starts cheering as I get out of the SUV and I know it has two reasons, both of them very important reasons to me.

I know you are all very curious, but there is something very important Theseus and I need to do before we will address all of you.

Before this day is over a very good friend to all of us will be able to walk around freely for the first time in five ---- years.

I say and the crowd erupts in cheers once more.

Joseph has been standing beside me the entire time and some Pack-members are looking very confused at our interlaced hands.

I just smile as Theseus and I start walking towards the clearing, Melia and Apollo will deal with the Warriors while Theseus and I will shift into Linus and Minerva to mark the border to the north and south of the clearing.

Griffin had asked if he could join us and we had said Yes in unison.

A lot of Pack-members follow us on our way to the clearing, all of them ready to welcome Asteria and Inti to their freedom.

Pappi stays close to Joseph as the three of us strip down and he talks Joseph and Griffin through their second shift, making sure everything is fine with them.

I hear everyone gasp as Joseph shifts into Griffin and instead of hiding he strides back and forth in front of everyone.

Looking at Griffin I forget that my Mate is here as well, but he makes it known he wants some attention too as I feel his snout between my legs, Linus, behave yourself.

I shout as I turn around to see a huge black Wolf standing behind me and I giggle as Griffin tries to push him away from me.

I cuddle with Griffin before I turn my attention to Linus, Do you want to sleep in your own bed, Big Boy? I ask him through our mind-link and like a little Pup he whimpers as he crawls closer to me.

Griffin takes advantage of the position his Dad is in and jumps on his ---- back as he barks.

Fear shoots through Linus eyes when he feels Griffin on his back, Relax, Big Boy.

Our Son can handle himself, just don't get up to fast.

I say and Linus slowly gets up of the ground.

Griffin howls happily as Linus starts walking and I see Pappi snap a few pictures with his phone.

After I release control to Minerva Linus lowers far enough for Griffin to jump of his back and the three of us make our way over to the northern border of the clearing to mark it as our territory, even Griffin helps us mark the border.

Once we are done with both borders we slowly make our way over to the cluster of tress and boulders and I see a smiling Asteria stepping out in the open.

It takes a little longer for Inti to show his face, but Griffin slowly walks over to him and nudges him with his snout to get out into the clearing.

Inti takes a liking to Griffin fast and both of them are chasing after one and other as Theseus tells Asteria she no longer has to stay in hiding.

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