Keeping Katie (Syndicate Kings Book 5)

Keeping Katie: Chapter 3


Glancing up from my disassembled pistol, I raise an eyebrow at Chloe. She’s not usually one to seek me out. Especially in the armory.

“What’s up, Little one? You come down here to learn to shoot?”

She eyes the gun I’m in the process of cleaning and shrugs. “Maybe another day. I was actually wondering if you would go with me to pick out a gift for Daddy.”noveldrama

I’m not sure why she’s asking me for help. Her brother is Bash’s best friend, and Declan and Ronan are his brothers. Granted, I am their cousin. I’m closer to Ronan than I am to Bash.

“Kieran probably knows what he likes better than I would. Or ask Ronan. If you ask me, I’d say get him some itching powder.”

Her eyes narrow as she wanders in closer. “Yeah, but Kieran is busy, and Ronan left for Ireland this morning. And itching powder is mean. Don’t be a bully, Grady. Besides, surely you can help pick out a decent watch. I don’t know anything about men’s timepieces, and you love them.”

I do love a good quality, expensive watch. Especially when I’m about to kill someone; I make a show of checking my wrist before I tell them it’s time to die. Maybe I’ll keep that to myself, though. No need to scare Chloe.

“You need to go right now?” I ask as I start wiping down the metal frame. Clearly, she can see I’m in the middle of something. Her chin drops with determination, and I already know she’s not giving up on this.

“Yes. I want to do something nice for him because he’s always doing such sweet things for me.”

I’m sure he’d find a blowjob to be much nicer than a new watch, but I’m not going to tell her that either. Bash might murder me if I talked about anything sexual with his girl. He’s the most possessive bastard I’ve ever met. And I’m jealous as fuck of him. Ever since he got with Chloe, the idiot walks around with a perma-grin on his face like he won the fucking lottery. I guess, in a way, he did.

“Fine. Let me reassemble my gun, and then we’ll go.”

Bouncing up and down on her tiptoes, she claps her hands. “Yay! Thank you. Cali’s coming too.”

Awesome. So I’m going to have two brats ganging up on me this afternoon. Chloe is mostly a sweetheart, but anytime Cali is around, there’s some kind of naughtiness that happens. She’s pure trouble. Hell, for all I know, there’s a dating profile out there for me somewhere that she’s created. I should probably look into it and make sure that isn’t the case.

As soon as Chloe disappears, I put my Glock back together like a puzzle I’ve already done a million times and chamber a bullet before I tuck it into my shoulder holster. I send a text to Cullen, one of our main bodyguards and drivers, telling him to have a car out front for us. Then I send a message to the group we have set up between the top six.

Grady: I’ve been summoned by Chloe and Cali to take them shopping. Declan, Bash, are you aware of this?

Ronan: Better you than me. I’ll pray for you, bro.

Grady: Why the fuck are you going to Ireland again? This is the third time in two months.

Sarcastic asshole.

Declan: Cali let me know. I told her it was fine as long as you didn’t mind.

Grady: As if we ever get a choice when it comes to these brats?

Bash: Choice? Fuck no. That went out the window when we said I do. They just want to spend some quality time with you.

Doubtful, but if Chloe is wanting to shop for a gift for Bash, she may have fed him that line of BS.

Grady: Quality time, my ass. I’ll be lucky if I make it back alive. Cullen’s driving, so I can drink the entire time.

Killian: Good luck with them. Scarlet wanted to go too, but I made her take a nap because she was being a bit too sassy. You can thank me now.

Grady: Gee. Thanks.

Kieran: Our girls are angels. Quit bitching about having to spend time with them.

Declan: Love seeing Kieran become a big fucking marshmallow since he married Paisley. Angels? That’s a stretch.

Grady: None of you are helpful. I’ll be back later. If we’re not back by five, send help.

Ronan: (laughing emoji)

Grady: Not going to answer my question about why you’re going to Ireland, huh?

Bash: Be careful with them. They might be brats, but they’re our everything.

My heartbeat quickens, and an emptiness settles in the pit of my stomach. I’ve never been a jealous person, but lately, it’s been hitting me hard.

Grady: I’d die before I let anything happen to them.

I mean that with my entire soul. I would do anything to keep them safe. Hell, I’ve taken a bullet trying to protect them. I’d do it again, too. They’re my family just as much as the mafia.

Before I close my messenger app, I delete several messages that Sharleen sent over the past few hours. The woman isn’t giving up, no matter how much I ignore her calls and texts.

Chloe and Cali are waiting for me in the foyer. As soon as I enter, they go quiet.

Narrowing my gaze, I look between them. “What are you two plotting?”

They look at each other with doll-like innocent eyes before they turn back to me.

“We’re not plotting anything, silly. Sheesh. So paranoid. You ready to go?” Chloe asks, skipping toward the front door.

Cullen has the Escalade out front and stands at the rear door, holding it open for us. Once the girls are loaded into the back, I get into the passenger seat and grab the bottle of Jameson from the side compartment.

“You probably need that to deal with those two,” Cullen says as he shifts into drive.

“Aye. I have no clue what I’ve gotten myself into. Suppose I’ll find out when we get there,” I reply.

The women chatter non-stop in the back while we pass through the city streets toward the address Chloe gave us.

We’re only a few minutes away when Chloe leans forward and taps me on the shoulder. “Oh, can we stop and get a coffee first? The shop I used to work at is just two blocks away. I’m dying for a praline latte.”

Jesus Christ. “Do you really think caffeine this late in the day is a good idea?”

She shrugs. “I’ll get decaf. I mostly just want it because it’s so yummy. Please, Grady? It’s right on the way.”

I glance toward Cullen who smirks as he keeps his eyes on the road. Bastard. He’s not going to help me out at all with them.

“Fine. Where is it?”

Two turns later, we’re pulling into the parking lot of a plaza with several stores, including the coffee shop at the end named Twisted Bean. Kind of a clever name, actually.

Cullen stops right in front of the storefront, not bothering to find a parking space. We don’t live by the rules. Wherever we go, we do what we want, and the people around us adjust whether they like it or not.

As soon as I step out into the dreary, overcast weather, the back door swings open and Cali hops out. Clenching my jaw, I step in front of her, blocking her between the door and the car.

“Are you supposed to freely get out of a car?” I raise an eyebrow and wait.

Cali swallows as she looks up at me. It’s rare that I truly get stern with any of the girls, but when it comes to their safety, I don’t fuck around. I will put her ass right back into the car and make Cullen drive us home if she gives me any sass about it.

“Sorry, Grady,” she murmurs. “I was excited and forgot.”

I keep her pinned with my gaze. “What are you so excited about? It’s just coffee. Do it again, and our outing will end early. Understand?”

She bobs her head and bites her lip, her eyes downcast. “Yes, sir.”

Aw, fuck. I didn’t mean to make her feel bad.

Using my index finger, I hook it under her chin to tip her head back. “I only want to keep you girls safe. Okay? Believe it or not, I love you brats.”

She beams at me again and throws her arms around my neck. “I know. We love you, too.”

When I finally move out of her way, she steps to the side, and I hold out my hand to help Chloe out of the car. She’s not as used to seeing my stern side. She’s also not as sassy as Cali, so she doesn’t say anything other than a quick thank you as she slides out. I give her hand a reassuring squeeze before I let go, and she shoots me a sweet smile that melts me inside.

As we enter the shop, a bell overhead rings. I look around, taking in our surroundings like I always do. Floor-to-ceiling windows let in a ton of light, making it warm and welcoming. It’s also larger than I expected. The space is slightly narrow but long, with bathrooms at the very back. There’s lots of seating, both tables and chairs and couches set up in clusters. Soft music plays in the background. This is a coffee shop I could enjoy coming to—unlike those wildly busy corporate ones that overcharge and don’t even fill the entire cup.

“Welcome to Twisted Bean!” My cock jumps as the sweet, melodic voice floats through the air and hits me like a brick to the head. Goosebumps cover my skin, and I can’t breathe. My gaze darts around the space again, desperately looking for the woman who spoke, but I can’t find her. I stride forward, searching in panic.

Everything around me disappears, and the only thing I can focus on is that sweet sound. Where is she? Who is she? That’s a silly fucking question. She’s mine. I know it without even laying eyes on her. I know it without knowing a single thing about her. She could be married for all I know. It doesn’t matter. She’s mine.

When I get midway down the long counter, a small woman steps out from behind the tall espresso machine. She raises her gaze to me, blinking several times before her plush lips fall open. I can’t help but stare, mesmerized by everything about her.

A flush blooms on her cheeks as she raises her gaze to me. “H-hi. Um, hi. Welcome to Twisted Bean. What can I get for you?” She runs her fingers over some of the loose hairs that have fallen from her ponytail and tucks them behind her ear, her hand trembling.

I take my time taking her in. Silky, caramel brown hair pulled up in a high ponytail with a pale pink velvet scrunchy. Round blue eyes with the longest lashes I’ve ever seen. The high counter blocks most of her body, but she’s definitely curvy. My girl likes to eat. And that makes me so damn happy. I can’t wait to feed her. And feast on her.

“Katie!” Chloe skips up from behind and waves at my woman. Katie. It’s adorable. Just like her.

Katie’s attention slowly shifts from me to Chloe and Cali. I don’t like it. I want her eyes on me. Always on me and no one else. Holy fuck. What’s wrong with me? I’ve never reacted to a woman like this. Never felt this kind of all-consuming possessiveness. It’s uncomfortable and addicting at the same time.

“Hi!” Katie squeals and then scurries around from behind the counter toward us.

Holy fuck, she’s perfect.

Wide, round hips, a soft tummy, big tits, and thick thighs that I want to worship. Jesus. God was feeling generous when he made her.

Katie and Chloe hug tightly before Cali takes her turn. When they pull away, Katie peeks up at me and swallows. “This must be Bash?” she asks, disappointment in her voice.

Chloe and Cali burst out laughing. What the fuck is so funny?

“Oh, goodness, no. This is Grady. He works with Bash and Cali’s husband, Declan. Grady, this is Katie. She owns Twisted Bean,” Chloe says, motioning toward Katie.

I gawk unapologetically, memorizing everything I can about her. “Nice to meet you, Katie.” I stick out my hand to shake hers, my heart pounding as she glances down at my tattoo-covered fingers, her tongue popping out to wet her lips. She doesn’t look like someone who dates men covered in ink. Or men who work for criminal empires. That’s about to change, though. Her entire life is about to be turned upside down, and so is mine. I can feel it.

The second she slides her fingers into my palm, my cock grows painfully hard, and every hair on my body stands on end.

“Nice to meet you,” she replies quietly.

I keep hold of her hand for longer than is acceptable, but I can’t seem to let go. When she finally tugs it free, an emptiness settles inside me. She’s meant to be touching me. Only me.

She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and turns toward Chloe. “Do you want coffee?”

Chloe grins. “You know it.”

My eyes go directly to Katie’s ass when she turns around. The skinny jeans she has on hug her like a glove, giving me the perfect view. Cali snorts beside me, breaking my attention away. When I look down at her, she waggles her eyebrows and then points toward Katie.

“Hush,” I scold quietly.

Her knowing grin irritates me. Why do I have a feeling this was a set-up?

“Can I get you something?” Katie asks me when she’s back behind the counter.

Her voice is sweet like honey and has an innocence about it when she talks. Everything about her seems innocent.

I study her as I run a hand over my beard. Would it be too much to ask her to sit on my face? Because that’s something I’d like her to get me. Probably not appropriate for a first-time meet, so I smile. “Make me whatever you want, and I’ll drink it.”

Pink blotches appear on her cheeks, and she quickly lowers her gaze for a second and then looks at Cali. She fidgets nervously with a cup, and I want to grab hold of her to soothe her nerves. I’m used to people being nervous around me, but she has no reason to be.

“I’ll have whatever Chloe’s having,” Cali announces before she wanders off toward one of the gift displays. Chloe quickly follows, leaving me alone with Katie. I can’t take my eyes off her. I have so many questions. Ones I definitely won’t get answers to right now, but hopefully soon.

She moves behind the espresso machine, but I can still watch her from this angle as she prepares three drinks with such precision that I’d bet she could do it with her eyes closed. Every so often, she peers at me and then quickly looks away when she realizes I’m staring at her.

“Do you like your coffee sweet?” she asks quietly, almost timidly.

Fuck no. “If you like it, I’ll like it.” The only thing I want that’s sweet is my mouth on her pussy, but I’ll drink whatever she gives me just to make her happy.

The pink blotches appear again, and I’m quickly becoming addicted to seeing them. I want to see her lower set of cheeks pink from my handprint.

She spends the next couple of minutes pouring and mixing, and I watch every movement. After she fills a small metal pitcher and starts steaming it, she glances at me again, holding my gaze for several seconds. All of a sudden, the milk boils over onto her hand, and she jumps back with a hiss, dropping the pitcher.

“Ouch!” she cries, yanking her hand to her chest.

I race behind the counter and grab her wrist, tugging her toward the sink.

“I’m okay,” she says tightly. “It happens sometimes.”

That’s not acceptable. But I’ll deal with that later. Right now, she needs cold water. I turn on the tap and gently move her hand under the stream. When she lets out a quiet wince, I growl.

“I’m fine.” She turns her pained, cornflower-blue eyes up to me, and I want to scold her for lying to me.

Ignoring that thought, I hold her wrist firmly. Cali and Chloe appear beside us.

“Ouch. I hated when that happened,” Chloe comments.

“It happens a lot?” I demand, frowning at her.

Chloe shrinks back slightly. “Not a lot.”

Katie tries to pull her hand free. “I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt anymore. Really, I’m good.”

Reluctantly, I release her and grab a towel to dry her off. She tries to take it from me, but I don’t let her.

All three women stare at me as I gently pat her skin dry. The silence is awkward between us, but I don’t give a shit. When I’m satisfied that she’s not going to blister, I let go of her and sigh. “You need some cooling ointment for it.”

Katie peers up at me, her chest rising and falling quickly. Good. I’m having an effect on her, too. It’s not only one-sided. Thank fuck for that. I wonder if I reached between her legs if her panties would be wet. The way she keeps shifting her legs together, I’m thinking they would be.

“Um, okay? It’s really fine. I do that at least once a day. I need to get the steamer fixed. It’s blowing too hard. I just haven’t had time to schedule anything.” She smiles nervously, waving her hand like it’s no big deal.

Cali rolls her eyes. “Grady is a bit overprotective. Then again, all of our men are. You’ll get used to it.”

Yep, this was definitely a fucking set-up. Those little brats. I’m going to hug both of them for it later. After I lecture them. Then I’m going to take them to Build-A-Bear and let them get whatever they want. And when we get home, I’m going to tell their Daddies about the sneaky shit they did.

Chloe moves over to the coffees that Katie was preparing and takes over like she still works here. “What time are you off today? Why don’t you come over for dinner? You need to meet Bash, and you can also meet Scarlet and Paisley. We could have an impromptu movie night afterward.”

My heart leaps in my chest at the thought of Katie coming to dinner. Chloe is definitely getting a reward after we leave. I’d prefer it if Katie came to my house to eat. Alone. But I’ll take what I can get. I am a complete stranger, after all. I won’t be for long. Just because I know she’s mine doesn’t mean she does.

“Oh, um, I can’t.”

Fuck. I don’t like that answer. Why can’t she? Does she have a man she has to go home to? I’ll kill him. She’d probably get over it in a few months before she’s ready to move on to me. I can wait it out.

She shifts from one foot to the other. “I’m meeting with the realtor tonight. He wants me to make some improvements to my parents’ house before I put it on the market, so we’re meeting to go over his suggestions to see what I can afford to do.”

I don’t like anything she just said. He? Who the hell is he? She’s going to be alone with this realtor? Selling her parents’ house? What she can afford? She shouldn’t be worrying about that. She should never have to worry about money or affording anything. That’s my job. The only thing she needs to be concerned about is being Daddy’s good girl.

Chloe’s shoulders drop, but she nods. “Tomorrow night?”

Katie purses her lips for a second, her eyes flicking to mine and then back to Chloe. “I might be able to do that. I’ll text you later to let you know for sure.”

Fuck. I don’t think I can wait twenty-four hours to see her again. How did I go from being completely single to thinking about what my wedding vows to this woman will be?

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