Maid for the Mafia

Inside the Playroom


It's nine o'clock by the time the five of us are standing inside the Playroom_ and at the moment everything is draped in darkness. I can't see anything in this room. Nothing. And I'm starting to get more than a little nervous. Alex bid me wear nothing but my robe, despite the fact that I'd originally selected the cutest piece of lingerie that I have at my disposal. He said it was better if I was natural. If I was raw.

Damien stands in front of me with Tiny to his right. The pair of them seem to know exactly where they're going, even given the pitch black of the space. That fact is mildly troubling, but I shake it off.

Mickey stands just behind me with his hand on the small of my back and I'm grateful for the contact, because otherwise I'd be a little spooked.

I have _never_done_anything like I am about to do and, to be honest, I'm not sure if I'll like it.

"Ready?" Alex's voice echoes, just before he flips a switch along the far wall and the room is suddenly illuminated in a mixing haze of red-gold and bright white light.

After blinking a few times against the sudden brightness, I focus on the room.

There are no windows, but there _are_ four cameras in each corner that hang from the ceiling like silent witnesses.noveldrama

Oh my God. That is the largest bed I have ever seen._

And what the hell are all the chains for? What are all the benches for?_

Sucking in a slow, deep breath, I spin in a circle. The walls are all painted satin black with white baseboard trim. The floor is covered in a plush black carpet, with white marble underneath. Arm restraints sling from the ceiling to the wall, and an intricately woven black rope hangs from a hook near one corner of the room. There's an entire section of the room completely devoted to different whips. Sparkling whips, leather whips... _beaded_ whips. There are vibrators, plugs, and double- headed dildos all along one shelf, with different types of lubes and gels on a separate stand just beneath them.

It looks like a sex shop in here._

"Holy shit," I breathe, turning back toward the bed.

The bed takes up the most space near the back of the room. It is round and unlike any mattress that I've ever seen. Dressed in a heavy white velvet blanket, it's accented with black satin pillows as well as a handful of red rose petals. In fact, there are different streaks of red all about the room. Giant red pillows, a red velvet bench, and a collection of fluffy red fur handcuffs make up an entire corner of the space. A red leather seat swings in another corner, with black straps that lead up to the ceiling and harness to the wall. There's even what appears to be a pommel style trampoline that sits low to the ground with a stuffed cylinder pillow at the head.

"How often do you use this place?" I can't help but ask. "And is the bedding clean?"

Alex snorts. "The space is sterilized once a week whether I've been in here or not and the bedding switched out after every use."

"You didn't answer my first question," I point out, closing my fingers on the lapels of my robe as if the fabric alone can protect me from the perversion of this place.

"It's been a while," Alex says. "The last time was a week before you arrived here."

My eyebrows hike up suspiciously. "What are the cameras for? Is there like a hidden door in the wall that hides a group of monitors or something?"

"No," Mickey says. "But there is a hidden door in the wall that leads straight into the private theater."

My head snaps up. "You've got to be kidding me."

Alex smiles widely, the bruises along his jaw making him appear more sinister than usual. "No one is in there tonight. The only person allowed to watch you get fucked, is me. And I will be in here... with you."

Damien hisses his displeasure at that and then steps close to my back, tipping his head down so that he can speak in my ear. "If you've changed your mind about this, baby, all you have to do is say so. You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. I can end rhis bullshit right here, right now if you want."

Releasing a shuddering breath, I lean back into him for a minute, closing my eyes and reveling in his strength. I picture it. Tiny and Mickey. Alex and Damien. All vying for a piece of me. All begging to touch me.

A molten heat begins to pound between my legs.

I bite my lip. "No. I want this." Opening my eyes, I glance toward the black bar in the corner. "Alex, make me something to drink. Something_strong."_

Alex smirks. "Of course, angel. Whatever you want."

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