Rejected, And Became A Heiress (Cara)

My Billionaire Please Became 66

Cara's POV

I'm in Alaric's car and he's driving Mia and I to the DarkWood hospital.

The car was speeding, but Mia's expression and the pain on her face changed even faster.

All I could do is gently stroke her hair. I admit, I was really worried about my daughter-so very worried-but I couldn't show it. I needed to stay strong for Mia.

I can't even imagine what might have happened if Alaric's family doctor hadn't had an allergy pen. And if Mia hadn't eaten so much ice cream, would any of this have happened at all...?

No, that's the wrong way to think. Even without the ice cream, Mia's condition would have flared up sooner or later.

I looked down at Mia, sleeping painfully in my arms. It almost broke my heart.

"She's going to okay. I'll make sure of it," Alaric says quietly, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

He never used to drive himself anywhere, he had servants to handle that. I guess that's one thing about him that's changed in the last six years.

"I know," I reply to him softly, trying not to wake my daughter.

"Is there anyone else we need to call...?" Alaric asks, his voice trailing off.

I'm not sure what he's getting at. Eamon, Ruby, my brothers, everyone important already knows where we're headed and why.

Who else could he think I need to call?

Maybe he means Mia's father...

So, he still doesn't know that HE is Mia's father, I relax my shoulders at the realization, glad that the secret is safe.

For now.

"Let's just get to the hospital," I say to him changing the subject. Let Alaric assume there is another man in my life. If it keeps our secret safe, Alaric can assume whatever he wants. I look down at Mia again and see... is her hair thicker?

It looks longer, too...

And her face, something about it looks a little more... primal... in some way. Like her nose is just a little bit scrunched, her features look just a little bit tighter somehow.


What could be happening to her?

I've never noticed her looking this way before. Maybe her illness is getting worse.

I sigh, resigning myself to the understanding that Alaric was right. Mia needs more care. The DarkWood specialists are our best shot at finally finding a cure for Mia's condition. When we reach the DarkWood hospital, Alaric carries Mia in his strong, bulky arms, and I'm struck by the sight. He doesn't know he's carrying his own precious daughter.

He has no idea. And I hope it stays that way.

I see lots of familiar faces as we make our way through the hospital.

People I used to know from my DarkWood days. I watch the recognition form on their faces as we pass by, and they notice me next to their Alpha King.

"Is that..."

"That hair! It's CARA!"

"Cara Wilson?!"

I hear the shocked voices around us, but I only have time for quick smiles and waves. I can't stop and chat now. There's not a second to waste in getting Mia some treatment.

We finally reach the hospital's allergy department, and Alaric rests Mia on an open bed.

"Alpha King, sir. What is the problem with the child?" A doctor says to Alaric as he approaches us quickly.

Alaric gestures to me, "Cara will explain everything you need to know. Do everything you can,

no matter what it takes. I want you to have the very best doctors and staff assigned to

this case.

"Yes, sir, of course." The doctor says to Alaric with a bow of his head.

Alaric shoots me a look filled with understanding and confidence, and I have to admit that it does make me feel better that Alaric seems concerned about Mia.

He walks through the doors and calls behind to me, "I'll be in the waiting room,

The two only spent a short time together this evening, but I'm not surprised that Alaric


seems to be fond of Mia. She's such a sweat doesn't take long to notice how

wonderful she is.

I discuss Mia's medical history with the doctors after Alaric leaves the room. I send a text message to my assistant to have Mia's more detailed medical records sent over from Pack Bloody Moon. The doctor receives the records almost immediately, and I'm thankful that my assistant is so quick and capable.

4. Chapter doda

"She suffered some harm before she was even born, which left her allergic to so many things... Maybe the accident did something more else to her," I say to the doctors.

"You might be right. Let's run some tests and see what we can find." The doctor replies.

Mia's still sleeping, but her hair looks even thicker than it did in the car.

As the medical team draws a vial of blood from her arm, hair starts to appear on her arms.

1 gasp, shocked to see it.

Hair on her anus?

She's not old enough to shift yet. She can't be changing this early...

Can she?

"Is she... shifting?" I ask the doctor.noveldrama

Suddenly that distinctive shimmer appears around Mia's entire body.

She looks out of focus for a second, as if her body is moving too quickly for my eyes to see.

I hear the nurses gasp around us.

In a quick flash, it's no longer my daughter laying on the hospital bed.

It's a wolf.

A small, cute, beautiful bright red wolf puppy.

It's Mia. In her wolf form.

She shifted?!

"How can this be?" I ask the doctor, very shocked. "She's not old enough."

"Interesting...." The doctor says to himself. He looks down at the results of Mia's blood. tests. "It appears to be her hormones."

"Hormones?" I ask.

"Yes, somehow the accident caused a disruption. Her levels are totally unbalanced, and her pheromones are very unusual for a pup of her age." He says.

"What does this mean?" I say with concern.

"It must have been the accident. When she was just a fetus, the trauma of the accident disrupted lots of her body's systems, and somehow affected her connection to her wolf, as can now see." He gestures to Mia's sweet wolf form.


"But we must be very careful. Mia is in a very dangerous state right now, very dangerous

indeed." He says seriously.

"Dangerous?" I ask.

"Yes. If we don't get her levels returned to normal, I fear she may lose her ability to turn back into human form." He says, staring at MIA

"So she'll stay a wolf?" I'm shocked,

"It's very likely. And that would risk losing her human mind. She'd be wild."


"She'll be a wild animal." The doctor finishes.

"We can't let that happen," I say to him, my voice firm.

"We'll do everything we can. She needs extensive treatment, immediately." He replies.

Mia... a wild animal... forever...

This can't be.

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