Rejected, And Became A Heiress (Cara)

Please Became 105

Chapter 0105 Cara's POV

"I come here to this hospital, to your pack, not as a princess, but as a mother," I say to the group of angry nurses and staff.

A small crowd of between fifteen and twenty people stand before me, circled around. They had been mocking me, chastising me for my arrogance and royal lineage. They say I've grown cold and that I've forgotten where I came from.

"I make no apologies for my status," I say, looking each of them in the eye, showing no fear or ill intent, just firm determination. "It's true-I am a princess now and I cannot deny that."

Some of the group mumbles to one another, whispering that I'm just rubbing it in their faces now.

"However," I say with a smile, "I hold no royal status in your territory. I have never requested special care or accommodations for my family, nor will I. I simply ask that my daughter receive the best treatment she can for her illness, just as you would do for any other patient in your hospital.

The nurses look amongst themselves, trying to assess whether any of them are compelled by my words.

I just have to get a few of them to hear me, to listen to the truth. After that, I'm certain that the others will follow.

I just need them to listen.

"Again, I say that I come to you today as a mother. My daughter is very sick, and it is only through the treatment from DarkWood's best doctors that her illness is improving," I say gently.

I can see the looks in the crowd's eyes begin to change, begin to soften the more that I speak.

"I know that I have been busy, and I haven't offered any of you nearly as much thanks as

deserve. For that, I sincerely apologize. Without you, my daughter would be lost... I would be lost..." My voice trembles with sincerity and concern.


"This pack was good to me, took me in when I was a small orphaned child with nowhere to call home. I can never forget that, no matter where this life takes me. I owe everything I have today to the kindness of Pack DarkWood."

The group seems moved by my speech. Their angry expressions are replaced with sympathetic looks.

• Chunter 0105

"But, this behavior is unacceptable, and I cannot ignor

1. it. You are all professionals, dedicated to the highly respectable task of caring for the unwell who come to your The attitudes presented today to me and my children were inexcusable, and I am extremely disappointed in all of you.

I give them each a firm stare. Much like the looks I give to my children when they misbehave, there is no anger in my eyes, only disappointment and disapproval.

But these staff members cannot be made to feel that they can act like this in a professional setting. It is simply unbecoming a hospital worker to treat others with such disregard and lack of respect.

The crowd is speechless now, each of them looking down at their feet. Except one she-wolf.

"Thank you, Nurse Nadya. You are too kind for defending me today," I tell the older woman with a smile, which she returns with sincerity.

"She's right, you know. Ms. Wilson... you're right. I'm sorry for how you've been treated," a voice came from towards the back of the crowd.

"Who is speaking?" I ask, trying to look past the others in the front.

"It's me, Ms. Wilson..." a younger nurse, looking barely 18 years of age, steps to the front of the group. She looks nervous, glancing at the others around her, her voice shaking.

Though she was a part of the crowd, this young woman hadn't spoken up against me. She had merely stood with the others who spewed their angry words. This young woman looked like she had been too scared to speak up before now.

"I... I was raised in the Pack House... I-I was an orphan, too. I always looked up Wilson, like a role model or mentor..." the young woman says quietly.

you, Ms.

"That's very kind of you, thank you. I hope to be good enough to earn such respect from brave young she-wolves like yourself." I say to her with a smile.

She turns away from me, facing the crowd now. "Ms. Wilson has not forgotten about us. In fact, she just donated a hefty sum of money to the DarkWood Pack House, ensuring it's doors stay open. We are truly lucky to have her here!" "...Is it true?"

"Did she donate that much?"

"... To the Pack House...?! So she didn't forget..."

The hushed voices of the group got louder as the hospital staff members learned the truth.


...I'm so sorry, Cara."

"Me too, I'm ashamed of myself..."

* Chapter 0105

"I apologize for speaking to you like that..."noveldrama

The apologies flowed in, one after another. Each member of the crowd looked upset, faces reddened with embarrassment for their behavior.

"It's alright, I understand. Thank you all for apologizing, but I always believe in second chances. I hold nothing against any of you," I say to each person who approaches me with an apology.

Except one she-wolf.

In the very back of the crowd, one elderly she-wolf stands firm, thin arms crossed in front of her. The hard expression on her face tells me that she's not convinced by my words, or 'the words of the younger she-wolf.

I look at her with a blank expression, offering her a chance to come forward and apologize. She sneers at me, then says, "I do NOT feel ashamed!"

Gasps rang out in surprise at the elderly she-wolf's conviction.

"You are all fools for believing her lies, her poison!" The elderly woman says to the rest of the group.

I raise my eyebrows at her, not expecting this kind of malice at all.

"So what if she donated some money?! She's a princess! It's her job to have so much money that she has to give it to poor old pathetic souls just to empty her coffers enough for them to fill right back up again!" the elderly woman yells. "Besides, who knows if she even donated that money?! I bet Cara paid that girl to say that about the Pack House! Where are the receipts?! Who can prove that she ever gave any money?!" The woman was outraged.

Her insistence caused some of the group start to look sideways again, like they were literally being pulled by two opposing forces.

But who do they believe?

Me, now an outsider and a princess, who hasn't had the time to even say hello or inquire about their families?

Or do they believe this clearly respected elderly she-wolf, one of their own?

Suddenly the sound of loud footsteps breaks up the moment.

"What is the meaning of this?"

I hear his deep voice and I instantly recognize it's Alaric.

He bursts through the crowd, making space for myself as only an Alpha King can. His Beta

John, follows closely behind... and there's another person wit... I can'ti look, due to this person's small size... It's Ethan!

What's he doing with Alaric?!

"What is going on?" Alaric yells angrily at the gathered crowd.

a good

* Chapter 0100

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