Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 127

Chapter 197 Chapter 127

Fiona POV

I can't quite hold all the anger inside as I walk inside the pack house, instinctively seeking my mother and my fathers. I find them inside the study, my munher sitting on Father Xavier's lap white Father Xander sits beside them, a hand on my mother's shoulder. I clear my throat and they turn to me with a smile. Regan, my mother, frowns when she sees the cod look on my face, swallowing hand and shooting her mates a concerned look. Its clear that something is amiss with me when I don't show them my usual cheerful look or placid expression.

*Fiona is everything okay? You look a little she paused "Angry? Have we done something to spset or offend you?" he asked bewildered.

It's not often they've seen me in such a state. No wonder my so-called mother and both of my fathers look concerned. It's about to get a whole lot worse when I tell them the exact reason I've come in search of them. They never could have anticipated what I was about to say and probably thought they could continue lying to me forever. Too bad.

1 look at the woman who is meant to be my mother, marveling at the difference in our features. We look nothing alike. 1 can't believe how long I've been fooled for. I'm such an idiot. I can hear Celeste's voice inside my head as I make my way further inside the study, folding my arms across my chest. "I don't know. Is there something you want to tell me? my voice is icy.

1 harden my heart against them all. They have made a fool out of me for the last time. I will never trust these people again. Never.

Regan looks confused. My fathers shoot each other looks. Xander gets up and slowly puts his hand on my shoulder. "What's this about sport?" he asks with a gentle smile.

Xander has always been the nicer of the two twins. I guess I know the reason for it now. I glance at Regan and then at Xavier, feeling nothing but anger and rage rising inside of me.

"Why didn't you tell me that you aren't my mother" I raise my chin and glare at Regan who blinks, looking stunned by the question.

"I don't know what you mean" she tries to deny in a panic, but the quick look that flitted across her face has already told me what I needed to know.

She's always been terrible at hiding her emotions, let alone the expressions on her face.

Everything that Celeste told me is the truth. I pull my father's hand from my shoulder and shake my head, laughing bitterly as they look at me, their expressions turning stricken Their karma has come back to bite them and the day they've been dreading has finally arrived.noveldrama

"Everything you've told me since I was born, has been a lie," I told them, lifting my eyes and staring directly at them all as they froze in shock. "Celeste and I aren't twins, are we? I always thought we should have been closer as siblings if that was the case. Who's the older one, me or her?" I asked narrowing my


"Fiona, honey, who told you this..." Regan's voice is barely above a whisper.

"Don't deny it" I screamed in rage, "just tell me the truth for once. I know you aren't my mother" I glared at her "and I know that only Xander is my father. No wonder you always treated me so differently" I accused, my chest heaving up and down as I fought to continue breathing. "Why I always had to be compared to your darling Celeste. Because you resent the fact I was even born" I shouted as tears came to Regan's eyes.

"Fiona, honey, it's nothing of the sort" Xavier's voice is tentative as he tries to refute what I'm saying. "We thought that this would be the best way to save you both from all the rumors and gossip growing up. We wanted you to have as normal childhood as possible without showing one daughter more favor over the other."

I laughed until I cried. "Well, you failed then."


Unconsciously they had shown they cared more about Celeste than me, no matter how hard they tried to pretend they hadn't. They were blind to their naws.

They looked incredibly saddened by the news as I blurted out the brutal truth. I glared. "Who is older, me or her? I asked.

"You are" Xander finally deigns to speak, sympathy shining in his eyes. "A few weeks before Celeste" he admitted shamefully.

"Not that it matters right? Because I'm not fully Dominion, so I will never inherit the pack under you will I?" I ask, daring

them to answer me.

Silence Nander looks as though he's struggling to speak. "Truthfully the subject has never come up. It's always been assumed..." he quickly breaks off but I know what he was about to say.

1 feel a pang in my heart and then it feels like a leaden weight is crushing me. My chest hurts and it burns. Indescribable pain washes over me.

"It's always been assumed that Celeste would take over the pack I supplied bitterly. "Isn't that what you were going to say? Even my biological father prefers her over me."

"That's not true" Xander tries to say but I've heard enough.

These people, meant to be those who loved me unconditionally have all betrayed me in the worst way possible. I can barely stand to look at them, let alone remain in the same room much longer.

"What's my mother's name?" my voice is chilling.

More silence. "Fiona, what good is bringing up the past now? I have always considered you to be my daughter" Regan tries to say, her voice breaking slightly.

"Who is she?" I ignore her pleas.

Regan is just trying to gain sympathy and I'm not about to play her games. Not any longer.

Celeste had already told me, but I wanted to hear it

from their lips. I want to hear them confirm it for me. If they think keeping her name from me is going to do

them any good, they are wrong. Regan glances at her mates and then sighs.

"Isabelle Ramona, my stepsister," she says in a quiet tone.

"My mother was your stepsister?" I say, "And you killed her?"

"It was extenuating circumstances," Regan said, glancing away from me.

"You have to believe us, it was done with good intentions," Xavier said solemnly.

"Whose intentions? All my life I have felt like I wasn't good enough and the reason has been staring me in

the face" I spat out with venom. "If you didn't want to raise me it would have been far kinder to let somebody else have me. The lies you told. God, aren't you ashamed?" I snarled.

"I love you like a daughter" Regan whispered, her face pale and her body trembling slightly "I did the best

I could given the circumstances. You have no idea how hard it's been..."

"Do you expect me to feel sorry for you?" I cut in, furious with how she's painting herself to be the victim as though she's the only one who has suffered. "Because I don't. You've never treated me as your daughter" I added with a hiss "only as a burden you've had to carry. You should have killed me when I was a baby so that you weren't forced to continue looking at me" I added with a growl, causing Regan's mouth to open and both my fathers to look upset.

"Honey" Xander's voice is soft as I glare at him "I know you're hurt right now, but maybe we could all calm down and discuss this reasonably like adults" he suggested.

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"You had your chance," I said between clenched teeth. "Now it's too late. From now on, stay the hell away from me" Ladvised them, watching as sadness took over their faces "Don't acknowledge me as your daughter because I sure as hell don't acknowledge you as my parents. I have nothing to do anymore with this family. As soon as I can arrange a transfer to another pack, I'll be out of your hair."

It was the only feasible option. I could make a fresh start, somewhere new where I might be more appreciated. They would not deny this, not without starting a war between us all. I felt resignation take over me. My world was crumbling around me, but I refused to break. Celeste would have her wish and become the only daughter of the Dominions, but I? I would become the villain if it meant gaining my freedom and finding the person I was really meant to become.

I turned and stomped away, listening to the sound of Regan weeping while my fathers attempted to comfort her. As expected, none of them came running after me. Another indication that I was doing the right thing for myself.

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