Reluctantly You (Our Exception Book 3)

Reluctantly You: Chapter 24


Holy shit. In the past two days, I’ve gained two brothers and two brothers-in-law. And a biological dad who spends his time gardening and working at a local nursery in town. And I also have a stepmom who dotes on me. She wasn’t even taken aback by this. It’s almost as if she expected it.

Although, with how much sex Basil seemed to have in college while high, I guess it makes sense.

Jeanette just threw her arms around me and welcomed me to the family.

“You have a home here, Mitch,” she whispered into my ear.

Shit, she’s more of a mom to me than my own. I haven’t told her yet, not wanting my actual mom involved, but I’ll reach out one day—when I’m ready. Right now, I’m healing. I’m mending, one stitch at a time.

My new brother-in-law, Theo, is the only one who seems wary of this whole situation, but Logan and Basil assured me it’s just how he is. Apparently, he’s like his cat, Curie, grumpy and suspicious.

Basil has had to make another makeshift kitty castle for Pants. It’s in the front room, much to Jeanette’s dismay.

“Yo, Mitch!” Logan says as he tosses me a large carrot. The goat, Vincent, is prancing along quickly, trying to get a nibble. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that goats are hungry fuckers. One of them snuck outside and ate some weed the other night while we were inside chatting.

It fell over and slept really well.

Apparently, this happens often.

“Good catch,” he says when I grab it and lean down, handing it to the goat. I’m pretty sure this is Goat-Zilla, Zilly for short. She’s shy, but likes to eat anything you give her.

Almost ate my finger once.

Didn’t know they were carnivorous.

“You couldn’t have had a better dad,” Magnus says as he sidles up to me, a drink in his hand. He’s still here with Sem, the kids home with his parents for a long week of fun.

“I’m here to support you,” he murmurs and then socks me in the stomach. It wasn’t hard at all and hurts his hand more than me. Sem growls, despite me just standing here. But fuck, I’m happy to have them both here.

Out of all of them, I’m happiest about Magnus. I don’t deserve it, and yet here he is.

Same with Max and Matt. They’ve taken time off work and are here with their spouses, hanging out in a weird Santa Cruz house because this guy is my dad.

He’s my dad.

And my brothers want to be here. For me. Supporting me.

Fuck if I can get used to it.

“He’s…different from what I’m used to,” I reply, and Magnus grins at me.

“Listen, when I met him, I wanted to adopt him. And here I am, lucky as fuck to have him as part of the family. This guy is gold. Did you know he sings to his strawberries at night?”

I arch an eyebrow at him, and he nods. “He told me the exact song he sings. It’s a lullaby.”

“Dad wouldn’t have been caught dead singing to plants.”

“He wouldn’t have been caught dead singing.”

“No. Did Mom ever sing to us?”

“Nope,” I reply.

Matt and Max meander up, drinks in their hands, celery sticking out from the top of each up.

“Basil made us these,” Matt says and takes a sip, shuddering. “They are very healthy.”

“He used his own tomatoes and celery,” Max whispers and then lets out a loud laugh before biting it back. “Can you believe this is your dad?”

I shake my head, my world spinning in unsure colors and hues. “No, I fucking don’t. But I’ll drink this damn drink.”

“He’s a nice guy,” Max says. “I think I may make him my dad, too. Do you think he’s up for applications?”

“I’m sure he is,” Magnus says.

“I think I may interview as well,” Matt replies. “Dad of the Year award.”

“Did someone say dad?” Basil cries, moving up toward us, a romaine lettuce head in his hand. He waves it around and peels a leaf off for Vincent, who is nibbling on Max’s shoe laces.

“We want you to adopt us,” Max says with a shrug. “If you’re up to it. Our dad is shit.”

“Three more boys?” He throws his arms out wide, his eyes watering. “I want that so much.”noveldrama

I let out a chuckle as Max, Matt, and Magnus move in for a group hug. Basil squeezes them each, kissing their cheeks.

“Would you be up for a name change? Max Lewis has a nice ring to it. Matt Lewis?”

“We already have different last names,” Magnus replies, and Basil blushes. I peek over at Gideon. Will my name ever change?

I don’t fucking know, don’t even want to hope.

“Of course, but maybe a middle name?”

Magnus grins. “I’ll consider it. Maybe a third child of ours? What do you say, Sem? Lewis as a name for a kiddo?”

Sem throws a thumbs-up and then taps his heart, making Magnus blush.

“What’s that mean?”

“It means I’m his heart,” Magnus replies, and I feel my own heart clench. Gideon is in a deep conversation with Cooper and Beau. Fuck, he’s gorgeous, perfect, everything to me. I want him to come over here and pull me into his chest, press a kiss to my cheek. I want him to tell me he wants me, that he’ll never leave.

I want him to fuck me.

“What’s the blush for?” Max asks, and I feel my cheeks darken even more. Damn, they’re so preceptive.

“Just looking…”

“He’s not bad on the eyes,” Matt chimes in.

“Hey, fuck off. He’s mine.”

Matt lifts his hand before reaching over and handing the nibbling goat his celery. “I am perfectly content with mine. Don’t worry.”

I nod and then peer over at Magnus, who is grinning widely.

“Honestly, you are all so fucking ridiculous.”

“Why?” I grunt.

“You’re all married to dudes. I’m just smug.”

“I’m not married to a dude,” I say, even though when I glance up at Gideon, my stomach twists nervously. God, I want to be married to a man. I want to be married to him.

“You will be,” Magnus says, and Max and Matt slap me on the back.

“Just you wait. He’ll ask you soon. I see the way he looks at you.”

I feel myself blush and then glance over at Gideon beneath my eyelashes.

His dark gaze meets mine and he rubs his lips with his fingertips.

Mine,he mouths, and I feel that in my groin, my heart. I feel it everywhere.

Mine. His.


I’d say therapy is boring, but honestly, it’s helpful. I can’t even resent it. The past three weeks, I’ve been just processing everything. That and chatting with Basil on the phone.

After meeting my biological dad and spending several days with him, Gideon and I headed home. It was a tearful goodbye, with promises on both ends to keep in touch. Honestly, when I arrived back home, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I still don’t.

Part of me wants to move up north and live near Basil, to get to know him, to bask in his cheery presence.

But the other part of me wants to stay with Gideon. I want to be with him more than I should. I’m sure it’s not healthy.

My therapist hasn’t said anything about it. Just asked me how I felt.

Not helpful at all, that asshole. I don’t know how I feel.

But I feel…afraid.

And hopeful.

It’s an odd mixture.

I pace my kitchen as these thoughts pulse through my mind, Pants is in her cat tree licking her paw and eyeing me suspiciously.

“I know you want a kitty castle here, but that’s not a thing,” I say to her as I wait for Gideon to arrive at my place. I haven’t seen him all damn day. I didn’t go to work. Haven’t been in all damn week. Haven’t wanted to.

For the first time in my life, I’m putting myself first. I’m letting myself just…be.

So I’m quitting. I’m fucking done. I don’t want to work in finance anymore, a job I never wanted. Now, I just want to paint, create.

I don’t want to look at numbers one more goddamn day.

The front doorknob turns on a creak, and Gideon strides in, wearing a dark blue suit and tie, looking fucking delicious. My tongue peeks out, wetting my lips, and his eyes track the movement, darkening.

“How was your day?” he asks as he pulls me into his arms, into a tight hug.

“Fine,” I murmur, my hands moving around his waist and curling into his back. “Good.”

“How was therapy?”

“Helpful,” I murmur, my mouth skimming his neck.

“Good, baby. You’re doing so good.”

I pull away from him and our gazes collide. He knows. He so fucking does, but I say it anyways.

“I quit.”

He arches an eyebrow. “Hm. Is that so?”

“It is.”

“I figured. It’s been a while since you’ve been in. I already have Shiloh packing up your office. Figured you didn’t want to go back in there…”

“Yeah, I don’t. I don’t want to step foot inside that fucking place.”

“Yes, I can see why, but you’ll come in if you’re visiting me, right? I still want you bent over my desk.”

My body warms, my cock hardening. Yes, yes I still want that. I want it all with him.

“Yeah, guess I can do that.”

“How about a few times a week?”

I scoff as my cheeks darken, just imagining it now, the way he commands me, the way he slides inside of me. “How about a few times a month?”

“Hm, perhaps. We’ll see. As long as I have you at my place at night.”

“Or here,” I counter.

“Or here,” he replies as I nuzzle into him once more.

“Why haven’t we gone to your place since we got back?” I ask.

“Patience,” he murmurs. “You need to be patient.”

I don’t know what that means, he’s as clear as mud, but fuck, I want to know what he’s kept hidden from me.

When I disappeared up north, there were days when he wouldn’t text me until late in the evening. I thought he was over me, but now, I know it’s something. And it’s not a bad something. I don’t think so, at least. No, I think it’s something for us.

It’s a surprise.

“Come on. I want to eat dinner and then draw us a bath. I want to wash every inch of you.”

“Yeah, guess I can allow that.”

“You guess,” he says and then swoops in and kisses me until my toes curl. Goddamn, when did I become this man? A man who nuzzles into another, who begs to be fucked, who feels everything, every emotion, swirling within me?

I don’t know, but…

This is me now.

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