Sinful Hearts: A Dark Mafia Enemies To Lovers Romance

Sinful Hearts: Chapter 18

“I heard a juicy rumor about you.”

I stiffen at the sound of Fumi’s voice behind me in the doorway to the staff lounge.

A juicy rumor?

Dread knots in my stomach, and my face pales. Because when it comes to “juicy rumors” and me, the only place my mind goes is Hades.

She knows. How does she know?

Slowly, I turn from the espresso machine to face her.

Oh?” I croak, heat flooding into my face.

Fumi grins widely, arching a brow.

“Yeah, that you banged out the entire Klein briefing in one day. But now I’m really curious as to what sordid little secret you just thought I was talking about.”

I squirm as my face throbs.

“Nothing. You just caught me off guard, is all.”

Fumi rolls her eyes. “Elsa, you’re a great lawyer. But I am a ruthless prosecutor because I can’t be lied to. I mean I literally cannot be. I see right through that shit.”

Mercifully, that’s the precise moment the espresso machine finishes with a ding. Laughing as lightly as I can manage, I turn and then take my time picking up the little ceramic cup and blowing on it.

“Believe me, Fumi, I wouldn’t dare try.”

“Well, you would, because you just did. But now you know. Bullet-proof, baby. So spill.”

I swallow back the heat from my face, turning to her as I sip the espresso.

“There’s really nothing to spill.”

It’s been two days since the insane night in Hades’ back seat. The night where I fell into sin again, because I’m clearly completely unable to control myself around him. Which is a problem because one, he’s Hades. But more to the point two, given that his family employs me, he’s technically my client.

And that’s a big problem. Not just morally and ethically, but also legally. If one is following the very strictest letter of the law, a sexual relationship between a lawyer and their own client is considered sexual abuse.

Technically, this could cost me my license.

And yet somehow, this isn’t throwing me into a tailspin. I’m not in panic mode, worrying about this thing looming over me, ready to wreck my life or blow it to smithereens.

I’m mainly wondering when it can happen again.

God, what is wrong with me.

Because not worrying about the implications of whatever this thing is between Hades and I isn’t the only thing going on with me right now. The other one also has to do with that same night.


I’ve seen dead bodies before—on morgue tables, at crime scenes, when I had to identify our mom, heck, even at Ares and Neve’s wedding.

But I’ve never seen someone become a dead body. I’ve never seen someone murdered right before my eyes.

Never, that is, until two days ago, when Hades strangled Pascha out of existence not three feet from me, in my office.

This should have me falling to pieces. I should be a fucking wreck of anxiety, panic, and moral quandaries.

And I’m not.

I thought for sure that yesterday, when I had to walk into that same office and act like I hadn’t seen Hades choke the life out of a man there the night before that I’d have a nervous breakdown. But I didn’t.

And this morning, I’m not even sure I could tell you exactly where on the floor it happened. I even picked out a new rug online.

I don’t know…does that make me some kind of psycho, devoid of empathy? I mean, should I have even a little empathy for someone losing their life, if that person was a monster? This morning in the bathroom mirror, I decided I didn’t.

And I’m fine with that.

“No?” Fumi needles. “So you just decided to randomly bring neck scarves back into your rotation again? For absolutely no reason?”

Don’t blush. Don’t blush. Don’t blush—

I blush.

It’s not for no reason. It’s because I’ve got fresh battle wounds courtesy of the god of the underworld all across my neck. And my breasts. And my ass, and hips, and thighs.

Apparently, fucking Hades Drakos is a full contact sport. Or maybe a gladiatorial match to the death.

Fumi grins. “You’re totally fucking someone.”

“I am not.”

“Girl, you know you’re an adult, right? You’re allowed to have whatever sex you want and not hide it away like a dirty little secret. It’s kind of the one perk of having to age, pay taxes, and go to work every day.”

I shake my head as I look away.

“Okay, okay. Yes, I’ve been…seeing someone.”

Fumi squeals. “Yes. YES. Get it, lady. Dude, I didn’t know how to say this without sounding like a total jackass, but you needed to get laid. Like, doctor’s prescription time.”

I roll my eyes, blushing.

“You’re not going to tell me anything about him or who he is, are you?”


She starts to laugh, but then suddenly stiffens. “Oh shit, it’s not one of the brothers, is it?”


She leans close, grinning conspiratorially as she lowers her voice. “Alistair or Gabriel?”

I make a face. “God, no.”

“You’re sure about that.”

“Fairly certain, yeah.”

She grins. “I was going to say, speaking of lurid rumors, the shit I’ve heard about those two…” she waggles her brows. “Yikes.”

“Yeah, well, no. I am not sleeping with any of our bosses.”

“Someone else from the office?”


“Matthew McConaughey? Because that’s not cool. You know I have dibs.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “No.”noveldrama

“Timothée Chalamet.”

My nose wrinkles. “Ew—no.”

What? He’s gorgeous.”

“Agree to completely disagree. I think he looks like a chimney sweep straight out of Dickens.”

She rolls her eyes.

“Oh, I know! The hot bartender at the place across the street that Taylor like to go for lunch.”


“Mick Jagger.”

I giggle. “Nyet.”

“A Saudi prince.”


“Henry Cavill.”


“Hades Drakos.”

I almost have a heart attack. I cough, eyes bulging out of my head as my jaw hits the floor. Mercifully, Fumi is looking past me at something, and doesn’t catch the shame and sin written all over my face.


“Hades Drakos.”

I swallow, taking a shaky breath just as her eyes slide back to mine.

“Why on Earth would you—”

“Because he’s here, and currently marching toward us looking at you like he’s about to rip your clothes off and ravish you against the office fridge whether I leave the room or not.”


I hate when she messes with me.

“Ha bloody ha. Right. Let me just turn around and say hello to my nightmare client—”

“You got a nightmare client? Bummer.”

The floor drops away when I hear his voice—for real, in person—right behind me in the doorway to the break lounge.

Fumi clears her throat. “I, uh, wasn’t kidding.”


I don’t turn around to face him. I can’t. Because if I do, I’m not sure I’d be able to say no even if he did start to rip my clothes off and ravish me against the fridge right here and now.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Drakos,” Fumi says brightly.

“Afternoon, Ms. Yamaguchi. I need to speak to my attorney.”

“Of course.” Her eyes slide back to mine, very full of questions. Her brow cocks just enough to say “I’m going to drag this out of you later” before she clears her throat. “I’ll catch up with you later, Elsa?”

“M-hmm,” I nod, my throat bobbing.

When she’s gone, instantly, it’s like the whole room’s gotten warmer. I still have my back to him as I walk over to the sink and dump out my undrunk espresso.

“What do you want?” I murmur.

I shiver as I hear his footsteps bringing him closer.

“I need to see you in your office.”

“I’m busy.”

“That’s a real shame.”

I jolt, gasping as Hades boldly grabs a fistful of my hair. He tugs just hard enough to pull my head back and pull me against him as his lips brush my tingling neck.

“Because in sixty seconds, I’m bending you over the nearest flat surface and fucking you until you see God. If you’d like me to do that here in the break room, I’m game. How about you?”

Heat explodes across my face and down my chest to pool between my thighs. My pulse thuds wildly, my legs shaking as they squeeze together with an achy need.

For him.

I could tell him to fuck off. But I’m wet, and on fire, and I want him. Badly.

Also, he’s crazy enough to make good on that threat, and we both know it.

“We…” I swallow, shivering as I feel his hand grab my hip possessively. “We said we wouldn’t do this again.”

“You’re a lawyer,” he growls. “Don’t people lie all the time?”

Tell me about it. I’ve been lying to myself nonstop for the last two days about him. How I’ll never do it again. How it has to end. How this is a beyond terrible idea and there’s no way I’ll sleep with Hades ever again.

Vicious, ruthless lies, the lot of them.

Because I’m fairly certain I’m going to sleep with Hades again.

Like…right now.

“Tick tock, kitten,” he rasps into my ear, making me bite my lip so hard I almost taste blood to stop the whimper. “Your office, or right here in the break room, so the whole firm can watch you getting fucked like the greedy little cum slut you are.”

I shiver, panting and gripping the counter in front of me with white knuckles as something sinful and hot erupts inside of me.


“Three. Two—”

My office,” I choke out.

I pull away, still unwilling to look him in the eye lest I cave and jump him right here. I walk on unsteady legs, trying to keep my head held high and my expression business-like as I thread my way through the cubicles across the main floor.

Hoping to everything that is good and holy that it just looks like I’m headed to my office with a client to talk legal matters.

Not to get thoroughly and utterly fucked by said client.

“Right through here,” I mumble through the adrenaline and lust roaring through my veins, gesturing toward my office door as if Hades hadn’t ever been here before.

I stop outside it, still not meeting his eye as I gesture with my hand. Raw black energy and a throbbing magnetism radiate from his body as he slides past me into the office. I step in after him, turning to close the door behind us.


I gasp as he suddenly pins me hard to the door, my face against it as his mouth devours my neck. Whimpering, I shudder, clawing at the door as his teeth rake across my tender skin, his lips fastening onto my neck and sucking as his hands slide around to my front.

The buttons of my blouse open violently, and I whimper when his big hands slide inside. He opens the front clasp of my bra, spilling my breasts into his hands. Strong fingers pinch and twist my nipples as I clamp my own hand over my mouth to muffle my unstoppable cries of pleasure.

Suddenly, he’s dropping down to his knees behind me. My eyes widen as he shoves my skirt up, as if there’s not a huge, fully-staffed legal firm all working and milling around just on the other side of my office door.

I cry out when he bites—literally bites—my ass. His fingers grab the waistband of my thong, yanking it down my hips and thighs to tangle at my knees. His powerful hands grip my ass, lewdly spreading me open as I feel his hot breath against the back of my thighs.

“You’ll want to keep that hand over that mouth, kitten.”


My face caves and my eyes roll back in my head when his mouth dives between my thighs to cover my pussy. His tongue drags slowly through my lips, making me squeal into my hand as my toes curl in my high heels.

Hades growls deeply, his thick, powerful fingers digging into my ass as he drags his tongue up and down my pussy. I cry out when he pushes it inside, delving deep, as if he’s devouring me from the inside out. My head swims with pleasure, one hand clawing at the door I’m panting against, the other clamped painfully between my teeth.

His tongue moves lower to swirl around my aching, needy clit. He wraps his lips around the throbbing nub, sucking on it, making my legs shake. My eyes squeeze shut, my brow creasing as I moan into the hand caught in my mouth.

The wet heat between my legs grows and throbs. The way his tongue drags across my throbbing clit as I drip all over his chin has me seeing double as my vision blurs.

Slowly, his tongue moves lower, and then back. Then further back. His hands tighten, spreading me wider open as I feel his tongue suddenly start to drag up toward…

Hades…” I choke, caught between the heady, sinful pleasure the tip of his tongue is dragging out of me as it teases closer and closer to my asshole, and the shame that this is…dirty.

Too dirty.

Too shameful.

This… This shouldn’t feel so good.


I reach back, my fingers sliding into his hair to push him away, even if it feels so fucking good I want to scream.


I whimper as he grabs my wrist and pins my hand to the small of my back.

“Don’t interrupt me while I’m trying to eat, kitten,” he snarls against my skin.

“That…I mean…you can’t—”

“I can’t, or you don’t want me to?”

I swallow, shivering.

Answer me, kitten.”

Motherfuck. It’s like that word—that little pet name—is now hardwired into my brain like a trigger. I’m pretty sure I could be at a freaking funeral, or in the dentist’s chair getting a root canal, and if he said it, I’d still get instantly wet.

“I…” My eyes squeeze shut, heat pulsing through my face. “You…can’t.”

Hades growls deeply. “I’m going to interpret that as ‘you want me to, you’re just too ashamed to ask for it’.”

My teeth sink into my bottom lip, a whimper bubbling up my throat as I feel his tongue drag up the inside of my thigh.


“Answer me.

My eyes squeeze shut tightly.

I want you to…” My voice is a whisper.

“What a good kitten.”

I moan as he yanks my pinned hand down to my ass. He reaches up and pulls the other hand away from my face, bringing that down as well.

“Now spread them for me, kitten.”

Holy fuck.

I’m practically shaking as I slide my hands over my ass, grabbing my cheeks.


I do. Heat explodes in my face as I feel his eyes brazenly dragging over me in this incredibly intimate and exposed position. But I’m not ashamed. I’m not knotted in anxiousness, wanting it to be over.

I’m eager for it to begin.

I moan when his thumb brushes my clit. His mouth lowers, and suddenly, as his tongue drags lightly over my most private place, I see fucking stars.

Oh my God…

The sensation is insane. It’s like discovering nerve endings and pleasure points I never knew I had. His tongue swirls over my hole, teasing and prodding and licking, sending my head reeling as the filthy pleasure explodes through my core.

It’s the combination of the act itself and the sensation being both sinfully dirty and outrageously intimate at the same time. It’s his thumb rolling my clit and two of his fingers curling deep into my pussy. His deep, savage, hungry growls as he tongue-fucks my ass and intermittently spanks me at the same time.

It’s taking everything I have to keep from screaming in pleasure so loud that someone on the other side of the door calls the police.

His wet, sinful tongue pushes deeper. His thumb adds more pressure on my throbbing clit. And my world is just beginning to crack and shatter at the edges when suddenly, Hades pushes a third finger into my dripping wet pussy. And it’s game over.

I bite down on my lip so hard that the taste of copper floods my tongue. I cry out through clenched teeth and bleeding lips, spasming and shaking and writhing—pushing shamefully back against his tongue and his fingers as my body explodes.

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