The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 137



We drove back home in complete silence and I ran up the stairs outside of the castle and then up the stairs inside until I got to my room and I slammed the door.

I could hear Noah hovering outside. He was obviously worried about me because I wouldn't talk to him and I was doing everything not to cry when I got home. But as soon as I got into my room I let it all out.

I let out a massive scream as I grabbed my vanity and I knocked it over and I knocked

everything off of my desk and I fell back against the wall crying and I slid down the wall until I was sitting on the floor with my knees up near my chest.noveldrama

I could practically feel Noah's concern and worry but I didn't care about that right now.

He was trying to talk to me through the door but I wouldn't answer him. I couldn't answer him. I didn't know what to say.

I wasn't sure how long I had been sitting there but I was still upset and crying when my phone

started ringing. It said Avery on the screen.

"Avery." I said.

"Hey. Are you ready to go out yet?" She asked.

"Did you know?"


"Did you know about Chloe and Levi?" I asked.

"She told you?" Avery yelled.

"No. I went to her house and they were there. You f*****g knew?" I growled.

"She made me promise not to tell you. She wanted to be the one to tell you. She didn't want you to hate her." Avery said.

"So, she's avoiding me and moved out of my house because of that prick. And you knew all about it? You and her can both go to hell." I yelled while hanging up the phone. She tried to call me back but I turned my phone off and I finally got up and I took my jacket and boots off and I climbed into my bed, under the covers.

I wanted to hide. I didn't ever want to come out of here.

A while later I heard Noah picking the lock to my room.


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"Emma. I'm coming in. Don't throw anything at me." He said. But I didn't answer him.

I saw him walk into the room and he froze when he saw the damage around my room.

He was careful not to stand on anything as he made his way across my room and he sat on the side of my bed.

"Emma. You know that I am here for you."

"How the hell do I know that I can trust you?" I asked.

"You don't. We just met and I lied to you when we first met. But I am trying to make you realize that you can trust me. I am here to protect you with my life." He said. "I hate them all." I said.


"Everyone. All my friends. Chloe and Avery were lying to me. They were keeping secrets that they knew were going to hurt me. Lexie and Jacob knew about it and that's why they decided not to come back here. Because they couldn't stand to be here with me knowing that Chloe would get her ass kicked if she was near me. Lexie and Jacob are my godparents. I'm meant to be able to trust them. But I can't. Levi and Lucas were betting against me. And I meant nothing to them. My parents have just vanished. I don't even know where they are. They're too busy helping other people instead of being here with me." I said, staring straight at the wall. "I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere. You have my promise on that. And if there is anything you should know about me, I never break a promise." He said.

I pulled my arm out from under the blanket and I reached over to grab Noah's hand.

I took him by surprise at first, but his face softened when he looked back up at me.

I still wasn't really looking at him. I was staring at the wall. I didn't know how to look at anyone


"I can't do this. I thought I was strong enough to handle this s**t on my own. I'm not."

"Are, you kidding? From what I've seen, you've gone above and beyond. Look at what you did for that village. You got rid of their abuser without anyone actually telling you that he was abusing them. You did that on your own." He said.

"Yeah. I'm good at being royalty. I suck at having friends. I suck at choosing friends. They have all chosen someone else over me. Like I am the second best choice. Everyone. No one thinks of me as their first choice as a friend. Do you know how that feels? Knowing that everyone in your life would rather have someone else with them instead of you?" I asked.


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"I don't know how that feels. But I know that's not true. If I was told that I had to go somewhere else then I wouldn't. I would actually tell your parents to stick it. I'm not going anywhere." He said.

I gave him a little half smile and I pulled on his arm so he would lay down on my bed next to

I could tell that he was a little unsure about it but I assured him that my parents wouldn't find out. 

I just didn't want to be alone right now. So he laid down next to me and I didn't let go of his hand. 

It didn't take me long to close my eyes and I fell asleep. I didn't realize I was so tired but I never usually did.

I'm always up and doing stuff that when I finally lie down then I just pass out straight away.

I didn't wake up until the next morning and I rolled over to see that Noah was gone.

I felt that side of the bed where he had been lying down and it was cold.

I'm guessing he only stayed until I went to sleep and then went back to his room.

I couldn't blame him for that. He was here because my parents were paying him to be here. I

shouldn't have asked him to stay last night. That wasn't fair on either of us.

I guess I just needed some sort of comfort, even just for a little while.

But I got up and I looked at the clock. It was early.

So I got dressed and I walked out of my room and started walking down the stairs when I heard Noah come out of his room.

I stopped on the stairs and he started walking down the stairs in his exercise clothes as well.

He must have been waiting to hear me moving around.

So we left the house and started running around the territory.

I wasn't jogging this time. I was running. Trying to get out whatever anger I could and I wasn't

talking to Noah. Not like we had been.

I was really trying to get all of my anger out, but it wasn't working.

The faster I ran, the angrier I got. Thinking about Lucas and Levi, Chloe and Avery. They are the ones that betrayed me the most, but then there was Lexie and Jacob as well. But I couldn't blame them too much. Chloe is their daughter. So, of course they were going to do whatever


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they could to protect her.

But as I was running along the usual path I took, I suddenly felt something grab me around the waist and lift me off the ground.

I looked around but I couldn't see anything and Noah was standing back looking at me in shock. 

There was an invisible force holding me there so I couldn't move.

"What the f**k is this?" He asked, walking towards me.

"Stay back. It's a witch." I said.

So he let out a growl and he started scanning the area without seeing anyone.

But suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared in front of us and Maisie appeared.

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