The Way We Score: A small-town, accidental pregnancy, sports romance. (The Bradford Boys)

The Way We Score: Chapter 16


Do you want a boy or a girl?

It’s ten o’clock at night, and I’m lying on the sofa watching an old episode of The Wire and wishing I was in Newhope with Liv.

A week has passed, and I miss her every single day. The book says her body is changing all the time, and our baby is the size of a lime now.

I want a healthy baby.


Everyone says that, but everyone secretly has a preference. Tell me yours.

Yesterday, I had a meeting with my coach and the team owner to ask about being let out of my contract. I told them about the baby and how I didn’t want to be so far away during Liv’s pregnancy.

They weren’t sold on the idea, and I can’t say I blame them. Guys have babies all the time, and it’s not like Liv and I are married.

I also tried to play up the skill of the other linemen. I was actually glad Ricky has been such a disappointment this season, since it hasn’t had me in the spotlight as much as I was when Logan was here.

My hope is, since I’ve been on the team longer than five years, I’d be considered a vested player, in which case, they’d let me go without a fine or legal action. I’d like to think I’ve got a good enough relationship with them for that.

We left it with them willing to consider it.

I didn’t say what I was thinking, which is I’ve made my decision. There’s no room for consideration anymore, only whether we’ll part amicably or not. My hope is we will.

I really don’t care.


Spill it, Bradford.

I can hear her playful voice, and it makes me chuckle. Leaning my head against the cushions, I think about the question. It doesn’t take long to decide.

I’d like a baby girl, but I’d like her to have a big brother.


So you want a boy?

Twisting my lips, I decide fuck it. I’m going there.

I’d still like a baby girl, so I guess we’ll have to do all this again.

Gray dots appear then disappear on the screen. Then they’re back. And they’re gone. I start to laugh imagining I threw her for a loop with that one.

The book states emphatically expectant fathers should not talk about having more babies while the expectant mother is pregnant unless he wants his ass handed to him. The book doesn’t say that last part, but I’m pretty good at inferences.


Let’s just take this one baby at a time.

So you’re open to the possibility?


Goodnight, Champ.

You asked.

“What’s this I hear about you leaving the team?” Charlie jogs to catch up with me as we’re walking to the stadium for our Sunday night game.

Having this week’s game on Sunday is perfect timing for me. Liv wants to talk to her mom this week, so it gives me plenty of time to be there, spend some time with her and not miss my obligations here.

I’m pushing my luck by missing a practice and training session during game week, but I’ve got one foot out the door as it is.

“Who told you that?” My brow lowers, and I can’t help worrying who all knows my business.

The tabloids can be brutal. I saw what they did when Logan and Dylan started dating, and I don’t want them breaking a story before Liv’s had a chance to talk to her mom. My only hope is I’ve fallen off their radar.

“I’m team captain, Grizz. Coach told me what you’re considering. They wanted my input.”

“I’m not considering it. They are. I’ve made my decision.”

His brow lowers and he catches my arm, stopping me. “What’s going on, bro?”

My jaw clenches, and I look straight into his eyes. “We haven’t told the fam, and I don’t want anyone knowing until they know. Maybe not even then.”

“You’re making me nervous. Are you sick?”

“Liv’s pregnant.” I look down, doing my best to keep it quiet as our teammates jog past, pushing and rough-housing and touching our good luck pirate at the entrance to the stadium.

“Hold up.” Johnson pulls me away from the large opening leading out to the sidelines, away from the crowd, to where we have a bit more privacy. “Is this for real? You’re going to be a dad?”

It’s the first time anyone’s said it to me out loud, and a sense of pride explodes in my chest.

A smile breaks across my face, and I can’t help a laugh. “Fuck yeah, I am.”noveldrama

“That’s a big deal—congrats.” We high five, doing our touchdown hand jive, and he’s smiling now, too. “Liv’s the pretty redhead who was here in your jersey? Your high school sweetheart.”

“My baby mama.” Damn it feels good to say it out loud.

“But you don’t have to leave the team to have a baby. We need you here.”

“Liv needs me, and I don’t want to miss this.”

“So bring her here.” His earnest plea hits me where it hurts.

Charlie, Logan, and I played together the longest on the Pirates, and I imagine he’s feeling the way I did when Logan left—kind of lost, lonely… It’s hard to lose your crew.

“Sorry man, I would if I could, but she doesn’t want to move here. She has her mom and her career, and I want to be with her.” I know he sees my expression change.

I can’t help it, it’s the truth.

“Are you getting married?”

Dropping my chin, I think about this question. If I had my way… “We’ve got some ground to cover before we get to that point. High school was a long time ago, and I’ve got to show her who I am now.”

“Well, if you need a character reference, you got one right here.”

“Thanks, man.”

We can hear the announcers, and we look to where the rest of our teammates have all entered the field.

“We’ve got to get in there.” He slaps my shoulder, and we jog to catch up with everybody.

The noise is deafening when we emerge onto the sidelines, and I remember when I was part of the hype. It’s pretty addictive.

Although, to be real, nothing is as addictive as Liv’s pretty smile or the sound of our baby’s strong and steady heartbeat. It’s what I want.

The music plays loudly, and the crowd chants as the dancers do their thing. The other guys slap helmets and generally get each other ready, but my heart’s not here anymore.

I’m miles away in Newhope, wishing I had my girl in my arms.


Did you know the fam watches all your games at C&S?

Tonight was another win for the Pirates, and the talk has turned to the playoffs. Ricky completed three of the four passes Charlie sent his way, and we’re in the running for the Big Game.

I’ve done it all before, and it’s a legit adrenaline rush. Few things are as gratifying as being at the top of the game.

Except a text from Liv.

Sitting on the bench in the locker room, I chuckle as I tap a reply.

I’ve heard about this. I’ve also heard Dylan hides behind a post so she doesn’t have to see us get tackled.


I don’t want to burst your bubble.

She’s not hiding anymore?

Gray dots appear, disappear. I shake my head wondering what in the world?


Maybe I should let her break it to you.

Aw, she stopped watching?


I don’t really blame her. It’s hard watching you take a hit. Tonight for instance.

I think back to a tackle in the third quarter when a defensive lineman so big he makes me look like a normal-sized guy caught me off guard. I was trying to create an opening for Ricky, and he threw me on the turf like I was a rag doll.

Yeah, dude’s a beast. I’ll have a few bruises from that one.


You’ll be sore tomorrow.

She knows how it was when we were in high school. They always put me on the line because of my size, and I was usually the biggest guy out there—but not always. Sometimes I’d get hit, and when I did, I was on ice for at least a day or two.

I was also seventeen. It takes me a little longer to bounce back now. The funny thing is, I don’t feel a thing.

I’ll be on the plane headed your way.

The thought of seeing her again, seeing how much she’s changed in two weeks, warms my whole body. I don’t want to let her go, and I’m texting, hoping I catch her before she puts her phone down.

You never told me if you want a boy or a girl.

I stand, grab my bag, and head for the door. The guys are all going out, but I’ll be in my bed, doing my best to speed up the hours until I see her again.


I want a healthy baby.

Cut the crap, Cher, which is it?


you sure are being bossy tonight, Champ.

You made me tell, now spill it.

I’ve managed to slip out with only a few guys yelling at me for being a nun and not going out with them. I flip them the bird, my eyes on my phone as I headed to my waiting SUV.

Fred holds the door as I hop inside. Those players know what it’s like to have a lady, and I’ve seen them all glued to their phones at one point or another like it’s an Uncrustable PB&J sandwich.


I think I’d like a little girl But I’d love a little boy, especially if he’s as sweet as his daddy.

Fuck, that hits. Mommy and Daddy.

I’m tight with anticipation, ready for it to be tomorrow. I’m ready for all of this to change. I send her a quick goodnight and shift direction. Up to now, my entire focus has been on Liv and her needs. It’s time for me to take care of business.

Jack’s probably still with our family at the restaurant if he was there watching the game. Still, I shoot him a quick text. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.

Hey, man, making a quick trip home. Got some news, but keep it on the DL, okay?

Back at my apartment, I place my phone on the counter and pull down a glass. I don’t expect to hear from my brother until tomorrow, so I’m surprised when it lights up with a text from him.


What’s up?

Scooping up the device, I hesitate a moment, thinking about how I want to present this.

What’s the status of our plan?


Rodney said Faye Huntington is retiring in March. It’ll fit perfectly with your return. If you’re still interested.

What are the chances I might start sooner?


How soon are we talking?

This month? Next?

I’m hoping for sooner, but I still haven’t gotten the word from the coaches.

No gray dots. It’s like my whole phone goes silent. Was that too much? Chewing my lip, I hate the tightness in my chest. I hate this uncertainty. It makes me angry.

I hate thinking the owners who should have my back won’t, and I hate feeling like I’m taking advantage of the kindness of locals I never see anymore.

Still, it’s the way of the world. We help each other in the hopes that when it all comes around, like it always does, someone will be there to help us. At least I’m sure of my family, and the goodwill we’ve built up in the community.


Let me see what I can find out. Is there some reason you’re wanting something so soon? You’re still under contract.

Inhaling slowly, I type the words.

Please keep this between us… Liv is pregnant. It’s mine, and I told her I’d be there for her.

Hesitating, I add the last bit.

I want to be there for her. I want to show her I’ve changed.

It doesn’t take long for my oldest brother, also a single dad, to reply.


I’ll do everything I can, and G? Congrats, man. I always thought you two made a great couple. It’s why I never busted your ass for sneaking her into your bed in HS.

I’d like to have seen you try.

He doesn’t respond, and I exhale a chuckle. He did his best to wrangle four wild siblings after our parents passed. We all loved and respected him for it, especially me, but when it came to Liv, for better and for worse, nobody could tell me a thing.

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