The Way We Score: Chapter 5
“Who needs more purple drink?” Allie dances between us carrying a gallon jug of what I’m pretty sure is grape Kool-Aid mixed with Everclear.
I took one sip, and I was scorched from my throat all the way to my stomach.
“Me!” Rachel holds up her hand.
“Oh, me too!” Dylan waves, and I squint an eye at her.
“Remember you have to walk down an aisle tomorrow.” I lightly note.
“Not until the afternoon—Good thinking, Dylan!” Rachel holds her glass up for a cheers.
“The golden hour is so beautiful at Miss G’s. It was either late afternoon or early morning, and I know this crew.”
Allie’s right there like the true New Orleans lady she is. “You’re definitely having another. It’s your bachelorette!”
“Just as long as I don’t barf all the way through the ceremony.” Dylan puts a hand over her eyes as Allie gives her a heavy pour.
Then she skips over to where I’m sitting on a barstool beside Raven.
After spending all day taking care of Mom’s chickens, gathering the eggs, making sure they had food and gravel and water, she practically shoved me out the door.
“It’s a short walk. You don’t need to drive,” she ordered. “Have fun with your friends.”
“I’ll have fun, but I can also drive.” I tried to go back, but she held me outside.
“If you drive you’ll have to be responsible.” Mom shook her head. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to come home early. Or even at all!”
My eyes narrowed. “Why do I feel like the only adult in the room?”
“I don’t know, but stop it. Be young and have fun.”
She closed the door on me, and my shoulders dropped. I shook my head and turned, walking the short distance that brought me here to my friends and the warmth of a small, close-friends bachelorette party.
Dylan wears a sash that reads Mrs. Logan Murphy in gold glitter. A tiara is on her head, and Allie pins a button on her that says Same Dick Forever.
She was not allowed to cook, so we all chipped in for pizza. Rachel brought a cooler of beer, but a few sips of purple drink has me reaching for a bottle of water from the refrigerator behind the bar.
“Are you really a storm chaser, Rave?” Rachel leans over the bar, batting her green eyes at the newest addition to our group.
Rachel’s blonde hair is in crinkled waves down her back, and she’s in black leggings and a long-sleeved, mint-green sweater. I’m just as casual, although I’m wearing jeans and a short-sleeved red tee. My hair is loose down my back, and I’d just washed my face before Mom shoved me out the door.
“I mean, not like in Twisters.” Raven’s pink lips twist. “Although, that looks like so much fun.”
“Depends on how you define fun.” Allie leans into my ear, and I shrug.
“I’ve never been much of a daredevil.”
“I’m trying to get a job on the Gulf Coast,” Raven continues. “I’d love to be somewhere around here, where the weather gets really intense. Atlanta’s so basic, weather-wise.”
My lips press into a frown, and I’m not sure what to say.
“Logan might be able to help you.” Dylan’s voice is thoughtful. “He really only does sports radio, but he might know somebody at the TV station.”
“Really?” Raven grabs her hand. “I would love that so much! Can you imagine if I was here with all of you?”
“It would be a lot of fun, but now I’m nervous.” Dylan makes a cringey smile. “I don’t want to get your hopes up if he doesn’t know anybody.”
“I mean, it doesn’t hurt to ask.” Raven shrugs. “It’s the thought that counts.”
“Well, there are no hurricanes tonight—unless it’s Hurricane Dylan!” Allie gets us back on track, cranking up the dance music. “Are you allowed to tell us where you’re going for your honeymoon or is it a secret?”
“It’s a secret—even from me!” Dylan hops off her chair, brown eyes dancing. “I only know it’s somewhere in Mexico where I can pick hot peppers straight off the vine, and the chef is going to teach me some new recipes.”
“Cooking on your honeymoon?” Allie’s nose wrinkles. “That doesn’t sound like fun. I swear, I don’t understand all these people posting videos of them cooking on vacation. If I see one more post about homemade ravioli—”
“Don’t be grumpy!” Dylan nudges her side. “You know I love finding new pepper recipes. I think it’s very sweet of Logan not to complain.”
“He is sweet.” Rachel waves her hand. “Now it’s time to play! I’ve got some good ones tonight.”
“Tell me about this game.” I take a sip of my drink, and Raven scoots closer to the bar.
“I’ve played it before,” she says. “It’s Fuck-Marry-Kill. You get three options, and you have to sort them.”
“Only we make it harder.” Rachel digs in the bag and pulls out a little plastic hourglass. “You only get one minute to decide. No flailing.”
“A minute should be plenty of time—” I start.
“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” Allie’s brow arches, and she nods, knowingly. “I’ll go first. Ready?”
Dylan passes out slips of paper, and Rachel is right behind her with pens. “Write it down, so you don’t forget when everyone starts talking.”
“Ready?” Dylan’s eyes flash, and our pens straighten. “Blind guy, deaf guy, mute guy. Go!”
Rachel slams the hourglass over, and the sand starts sieving through the narrow bit.
“Wow.” I sit back on my stool. “That’s a tough one.”
I look around, and all four of them are quickly scribbling their answers. I can’t believe it. Chewing on the tip of my pen, I start to write when Allie shouts. “Time’s up!” and my heart jumps.
“Damn, you scared the crap out of me!” I huff a laugh. “I didn’t even get started.”
“Decide as we go. Dylan, you’re up first.”
Dylan chews her finger as her nose wrinkles. “Fuck the blind guy, marry the mute guy, kill the deaf guy.”
“That’s exactly what I put!” The other three cry at once, and I sit back.
“Seriously?” Crossing my arms, I frown at my empty sheet. “I hadn’t even started!”
“Here, let me show you.” Dylan puts her hand on my arm. “You’d fuck the blind guy because he can’t see, so he has heightened sensory perception, which makes him really good in bed.”
“But why not the deaf guy?”
“Deaf guy can’t hear you moan.” Allie nods, as if that’s so obvious. “How would he ever know if he’s hitting the right spot?”
“You’d marry a mute guy?”
“Oh, lord, if only there were more mute guys in the world.” Raven deadpans. “Imagine!”
All three of us look at her, and then we burst out laughing as Allie pours more purple drink.
“I’ll drink to that!” I hold up my cup, and we all cheers. “Are we going again?”
“Duh!” Rachel wobbles her tipsy head. “We’re just getting started. Mine are the best.”
Digging in her bag, she pulls out a notebook. “Ready? 2000s TV stars… Adam Brody, Jared Padaleki, Chad Michael Murray. Go!”
My nose wrinkles. “Can we throw them all back and try again?”
“Your turn is coming.” Rachel sniffs. “Now go!”
“I’m done!” Allie cries.
My pen is still hovering over the paper, but I shrug. “I don’t guess I can go with kill, kill, kill?”noveldrama
“It’s like that horror movie,” Raven cries. “Bodies bodies bodies!”
“How’s this?” Allie dives right in. “Fuck Adam, marry Jared, kill Chad. Am I right?”
Dylan’s nose wrinkles. “I would kill Jared. He was so annoying on Gilmore Girls.”
“But he was Sam on Supernatural!” Rachel argues.
“Not as good as Jensen Ackles. Why wasn’t he in the mix?”
We’re about to devolve into arguing when I hold up my finger. “I have one we can do. It just came to me. Ready?” Everyone scoots around and nods. “Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Billy Burke. Go!”
“Ew, kinky.” Allie wiggles her eyes. “Throwing a dad in the mix.”
“I know who you’re going to pick,” Dylan murmurs under her breath, and Allie shoves her side. “Oh, Zaddy…”
Dylan waggles her eyebrows, and Allie squeals. “Shut UP!”
“Time!” I hold up a finger. “Who’s with me?”
“It’s all on the line, Liv. MFK is the true test of friendship.”
“Fuck Taylor, kill Robert, marry Billy!” I toss my pen on the table, holding up both hands in triumph, but only Allie high-fives me.
“Seriously?” I study the group. “Who are you killing?”
“I killed Robert!” Rachel’s eyes are bright. “But I married Taylor.”
“He’s such a baby, though!” I argue. “Billy’s more mature.”
“He is not a baby, and I bet he’s got stamina. He’s a werewolf, after all.” Rachel’s smile is naughty, and Allie screams.
“Rachel is so kinky! First she wanted the pierced dick then she wanted Jason Momoa, and now she wants a werewolf. Does he change or stay in his wolf form when he takes you?”
Rachel’s cheeks flame. “I don’t know. Either way, it’s still him.”
“Okay, my turn.” Allie continues the game.
I lose track of time amidst all the laughing and screaming and arguing. They’re right about bonding over the game. I’ve had too much purple drink, Dylan’s weaving as she gets more snacks, and I’m really, fucking happy here. I’m so behind at work—I shudder to think what my desk will look like when I get back to Birmingham.
Then I exhale a sigh, wondering why I’d even go back to Birmingham.
Three phones buzz at once, and I look around to see Dylan, Rachel, and Allie tapping on their screens. Raven and I exchange a glance.
“Wow, I’ve had FOMO before, but this is kind of next level,” Raven laughs.
“Tell me about it. We are not cool.”
“Here,” Raven scoots around. “Give me your number, Liv, and I’ll text you.”
I lean forward with a little snort and hand it to her. She types in her number and quickly sends me a text. My phone lights up, and I grin when I look down and see what she sent.
You’re pretty. I bet you’re good at chess.
My fingers fly over the screen as I quickly reply.
You’re really good at the weather. I bet you know all the storm names.
“Oh my gah! Look at them!” Dylan cries, oblivious to our teasing.
Running around to where we’re standing, she shows us a text from Zane.
Logan’s getting a lap dance from two hot blonds.
She hits the triangle Play button on the face, and music blasts. My eyes widen, and I’m almost afraid to look.
Logan sits in a chair with a very uncomfortable expression on his face, but when they all burst into cheers and cat-calls, I lean closer to see.
Sure enough, two blonds in gold, metallic hot pants and shiny white-satin crop tops flank him. One twirls around behind the chair, holding his head back against her chest. The other in front straddles his legs and thrusts, hopping closer and closer to him in time with the music.
My brow furrows, and I notice they’re shaped oddly for women. Their waists don’t curve, and their shoulders are too broad… and one has a beard.
“It’s Craig and Garrett!” I shriek.
They’re wearing their blond wigs from when they dance on the bar at Thursday Dare Nights. Craig is behind Logan, sliding his hands up and down Logan’s chest, and Garrett puts his finger on his lips, acting coy.
Logan’s hands rise, and he looks like he’ll try to escape by pushing them away.
Garrett is quick to stop him. “No touching! Those are the rules!” He’s using a fake-feminine voice, and we’re all screaming-laughing.
Garrett’s knees bend, and he tries to sit on Logan’s lap without success. “Don’t sit on me, you big ape!” Logan yells. “You’ll break my legs!”
“Rude!” Garrett’s expression is offended, and he straightens at once, turning to shake his ass in Logan’s face.
We’re still cheering, and I wipe the tears from my eyes. “Oh, my God, I love him.” I say it on a laugh-induced exhale, and the room falls quiet.
I look around, and four pairs of eyes stare at me expectantly.
“It’s an expression!” I cry. “I just meant I love his sense of humor!”
“Oh, sure. It’s an expression. Don’t be uncool.” Dylan’s words are a little slurry, and I can tell she’s hitting a wall. “But if you really meant you love him, that would be okay, too.”
She leans hard into me, and I glance up at Rachel and Allie. “I’d better get the bride-to-be home before we all get in trouble when she can’t make it to the wedding.”
“We’ll clean up, and I’ve got the keys to lock up the restaurant.” Allie scoops up the paper plates.
“I can help!” Raven skips around to gather up the leftover pizza. “I’m staying at the house, so it’s no problem.”
“How will you two get home?” I pause, considering Allie and Rachel do not live in walking distance. “I don’t think I should drive anybody anywhere.”
“It’s all good,” Allie waves before collecting the empty cups. “Austin agreed to pull chaperone duty for the night. I just have to text him.”
“He’s hanging out at our place with Eddie.” Rachel adds. “Watching Pool Sharks.”
“In that case.” I wave, pulling Dylan’s arm around my shoulder. “I’ll see you all tomorrow at Miss Gina’s.”
We’re out the door heading up the hill when my quasi-little-sister rouses.
“Oh no!” She lifts her chin, looking around us in the dark. “Did I fall asleep at my bachelorette party?”
“No! You just had a little too much jet fuel.” The path from Cooters & Shooters to the Bradford family home is white gravel illuminated by small lights close to the ground.
When we reach the house, I lean her against the wall as I inspect the yard ornaments. “Can you stay right there while I get the hidden key?”
“We don’t use it anymore.” She shakes her head. “Logan installed a special combination lock. Check it out.”
Lifting her finger, she flips a cover back then circles it over the keypad before punching in six numbers.
“I think that’s it.” She mutters, and I hope the hidden key still works when the satisfying shush of a lock sliding tells us she was right. “There, see? I did it.”
Her tone is slightly surprised, and I laugh as I hook my arm around her waist again, leading her inside. “Muscle memory.”
“It got me through many performances.” She waves a finger over her head. “You, too, I bet.”
She guides me to the guest room across from the kitchen, and I stop at the door. “Can you take it from here or do you need me to help?”
“I think I’ve got it.” She turns around in a complete circle before returning to where I’m standing at the entrance to her bedroom. “I wish I’d known you were going to be in town. I’d have asked you to be one of my bridesmaids.”
“It’s really okay.” I smile, tapping her nose. “I won’t hold it against you.”
“Just imagine you walking down the aisle with Garrett.”
My stomach twists, and I swallow the knot in my throat. “That would’ve been interesting.”
Her lip pokes out, and she puts both hands on my shoulders. “Tell me the truth, Liv. Is there any hope for you and Garrett or is that all over… ancient history… lost treasure?”
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I’ll bring you a bottle of water and some ibuprofen. You do have to walk down an aisle tomorrow.”
And I need to get away from here and catch my breath.
“I’ll wash my face.” She stumbles back through the room to the bathroom, and I hear the water start as I return to the kitchen.
Opening the refrigerator, I grab a bottle of water. Then I dig in my purse for a small, plastic tube of pain relievers.
I put a brown pill on her nightstand with a water bottle beside it. I can hear her brushing her teeth, and I’m about to go when the water switches off and she returns to me.
“You can’t walk home in the dark by yourself. Just spend the night.”
“Then I’d have to walk home in the morning, when I’m feeling worse. It’ll only take a few minutes, and you know Newhope is one of the safest places on Earth.”
“Still, there are gators and opossums… And raccoons! Some of them have rabies.”
“I haven’t heard about any rabid raccoons.” I pat her shoulders. “But I’ll sleep on the couch for a few minutes. Now get in bed and go to sleep.”
“Oooo, I love you, Liv!” She gives me one more, tight hug, then turns and goes into her bedroom.
I stagger over to the sofa, wondering how long I have to stay to fulfill my promise of staying a few minutes. I decide a few is two, and I sit down, taking out my phone to look at my emails from work. I told everyone I was taking a little time away to care for my mother, and I even set up a responder email.
Still, there is so much work piling up in my inbox. Leaning to the side, I don’t even realize my eyes are heavy until I open them again. The house is pitch dark, and I’m comfortable and warm on the buttery leather sofa.
Someone put a blanket over me, and I blink hard in the darkness, trying to get my bearings. A noise from upstairs sounds like light snoring. The scent of citrus and soap greets my nose, and I have the distinct sense of a body nearby.
Sitting up slowly, the blanket falls, and I freeze when I hear the shuffle of something heavy moving around on the floor right in front of me. My heart beats faster, and my lips part. I’m about to say something when the body rises to a sitting position.
“Did I wake you?” It’s Garrett, whispering.
“No!” I whisper back. “I think I just woke up… I heard a noise.”
The soft snore sounds again, and we both look at the wooden staircase leading to the second floor, where all the siblings’ rooms used to be.
“Logan didn’t want to see the bride before the wedding day.” Garrett tilts his head. “He’s sleeping upstairs in Zane’s old room.”
My lips press into a smile, and I look back at him. “Why aren’t you sleeping in your old room?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Jack and I showed up to crash the bachelorette, but you’d already left. I didn’t want you to leave again without me knowing.”
I’m quiet, unsure what to say. I think of him trying to find me, and affection warms my chest.
Exhaling a soft hum, I glance around the dim living room. “This reminds me of high school, when we’d get home late after away games, and I’d sleep on the couch.”
It’s his turn to be quiet, and I wonder if his mind has gone to the same place as mine. Back in those days, I’d start on the couch and end up in his bed.
My stomach tightens, and I move the blanket aside. “I’d better get home so I’m not completely dead at the wedding tomorrow.”
“I’ll walk you.” He hesitates. “If that’s okay?”
Another flush of warmth moves through my body at his gentle concern.
Tilting my head to the side, I smile. “It’s okay.”
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