When She Needs Them Most

: Chapter 4

I’m intrigued.

It’s not quite as dangerous as when Kase hyperfixates or when someone catches Arden’s cold gaze, but drawing my focus comes with additional complications.

I make my way back to our house to clean up while Kase helps Chelsea grab a few things.

Arden watches with his head tilted animalistically as I search for random things that might scare a stranger.

“Are you going to stand around, watching? Or are you going to help?” I ask, shoving my harness into the cabinet next to the sink. “Are there any other weapons lying around that I might have missed?”

“I don’t understand why you would need help.” He plants his hands on his hips. “Most everything should be contained in the go-room.”

“She’s a very pregnant omega on her own,” I hiss, yanking the plates out of the cabinet. “We’ve got to act normal, preferably not freak her out.” I drop four dishes on the table and head for the silverware drawer.

“She’s genuinely without a pack?” Arden asks as his eyebrows rise.

“Yes. And Mrs. Wilson is old. Her house has been sitting for, what? Six months? I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure the furnace is shot. The plan is to convince her to stay here tonight.” I give him a serious frown as I toss the forks and knives around the plates. “Just don’t talk. You terrify people, even when you don’t mean to, and she’s more skittish than most.”

“I’m an excellent conversationalist,” he says indignantly. “No bonds, either?”

“She’s unbonded.” Which both Kase and I have mentioned, but I guess he’s finally interested enough to pay attention when we speak.

“She must be running from someone. No one comes to our small town, unless they know someone or don’t want to be found.” Arden strides over to the refrigerator, grabbing out the water pitcher and bringing it to the table. “Perhaps we can steal her information off the rental paperwork.”

I sigh.

This is a shit show waiting to happen.

We’ll be lucky if she doesn’t end up calling the police on us.

Some company handled the rental contract and listing. We only had the keys because Mrs. Wilson left them with us in case of an emergency, along with all the information for the utilities.

Sky’s head pops up, and she takes off for the door before my ears can pick up anything.

I begin emptying the takeout containers onto plates.

Arden heads for the living room, and I abandon my task to follow him.

“Be normal,” I hiss in barely more than a whisper.

He gives me a finger of acknowledgement as we reach the entryway. Unfortunately, it’s the middle finger. I’m pretty sure he just told me to fuck off, rather than agreeing he’ll be on his best behavior.

“It is much warmer,” Chelsea says, pulling off the quilt. “Is there somewhere I can put this?”

“I’ll take that. If you leave it anywhere out here, Sky will cover it in dog hair.” I grab the blanket and toss it inside the coat closet.

“This is Arden, our other packmate,” Kase says.

They make quick introductions.

Chelsea is still in that same set of pajamas, and the bottom of her pregnant belly shows in the small gap between where her shirt ends and her pants begin. Her scent is sweet, like sugar cookies with a hint of vanilla. Omegas generally have overpowering scents, but hers is mild and understated. I don’t hate it. In fact, my nose twitches as she takes a few steps closer to my side.

“I set the table. Everything is ready to go.” I gesture back toward the kitchen.

“I’m starving. The early cut-off time for delivery threw me for a loop.” Her face breaks into a shy smile as she tucks her dark blonde hair behind her ear. “Thank you for the save.”

“It’s nothing. Barely more than common decency.” Arden gives a tight smile and walks off without another word.

Yeah, she’s probably going to end the night by running out of here, screaming.

Not that we’re a threat to her.

Far from it, in fact, but she doesn’t know that.

My pack has always been more of an acquired taste. Here’s hoping she’s more hardcore than the shy smiles and big blue eyes lead me to believe.noveldrama

Dinner is mildly painful. It’s quiet, with some small talk here or there, but chitchat isn’t a strong suit for any of us.

Kase bounces around, gathering up the dishes and carrying them to the sink. “If we had known you’d be here, we would’ve been sure to get dessert.”

“That’s okay. I’m stuffed, anyway. It was delicious.” Chelsea runs a hand over her stomach as her long hair falls around her shoulders. She’s an undeniably beautiful woman.

“Would you like to at least see the guest room?” I offer, turning in my chair to face her.

“The air mattress will leech the cold from the air. You’re extremely pregnant.” Arden steeples his fingers, gesturing to Chelsea’s middle. “It seems a bit of a hazard to have you attempting to get up and down off the floor.”

“Jesus Christ,” I whisper, swiping a hand over my face. The urge to stab him in the jugular is strong, but he’s quite proficient at defending himself, and all I have is a butter knife. It’s better if I wait until Chelsea is asleep.

“Come on.” I push my chair back and stand, extending a hand to the omega. She places her small fingers in mine, and I help her scoot her chair back with the other hand.

“Thank you.” She gives me a tentative smile before turning to Arden. “You’re probably right about that. It truly won’t be an inconvenience if I stay?”

“Hardly. In fact, you’ll save poor Kase from spending half the night worrying himself sick.” Arden’s lips tip up, and the sight is terrifying.

That look normally comes immediately before he inflicts pain on some asshole who deserves it, but to be fair, that’s generally the only time he seems to enjoy life.

“Well, then, I’d love to see the room.” She releases my hand to run hers over her stomach. “She’s moving around like crazy.”

I barely hold back the urge to touch her belly when I notice the pajama top moving.

It is quite an unbelievable sight. I haven’t spent much time around pregnant women. Almost none, actually, but Chelsea is an unbonded scent match. If she had bonds, it would be easier to ignore my attraction to her scent. It’s not just that. It’s the pull alphas feel to protect and comfort omegas.

I shake my head, taking a step back. “Come on. Sky, you can show Chelsea the way.”

Sky stands, shaking out her coat. Her ears perk up, because she heard her name, and she comes over, her excitement evident. She enjoys having a job. Well, she especially loves tracking down runners, but she’s intelligent enough to understand that anyone in our home is an invited guest and should be treated as such.

Arden sucks in a sharp breath when Sky not-so-gently headbutts Chelsea’s belly. She sniffs around and nuzzles her blocky head to Chelsea’s pajama top.

“Aww, you’re desperate for scratches, aren’t you?” Chelsea coos, giving Sky a good scratch behind the ears.

“Let’s show you the room.” I step over, placing my hand on her lower back as I lead her toward the guest room. “We technically have two extra bedrooms, but one is upstairs by us. Then there’s the hassle of all those stairs, and I figured you’d be more comfortable down here. It’s also closer to the kitchen, in case you get hungry or need a drink.” I grab her quilt out of the coat closet and snatch up the small bag Kase carried over. We also have the primary suite with a nest that none of us took, but even mentioning that would be weird.

“Thank you.” She smiles brightly. “I would have managed, but I appreciate how much thought you put into everything.” Her face contorts into a grimace, and she clutches at her stomach.

I cross the room back to her side in two quick strides. “Are you okay?”

She laughs. “Yeah, sorry to be dramatic. Sometimes, it feels like she’s punching my organs. Others, I think maybe she stretches against a nerve or something? The shooting pains are the worst.”

“Damn, I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable it must be. Your body is housing a new human being.” I nod toward the hallway. “It’s this way.”

“It’s taking some getting used to. That’s for sure.” She laughs, the sound light and airy as her face breaks into a bright smile. Shit, she even has perfect teeth. “I’m excited but nervous. It’s hard because sometimes I want to call my mom and ask if something is normal or even just hear her voice, but she’s been gone for a little over three years.”

“That’s rough. Did you grow up in a pack? Are your dads still around?”

“Nope, it was just me and my mom.” Her head shakes. “She was an alpha, and she never bonded.”

I dislike the sound of that. It’s hard to imagine an omega not growing up in a pack. No brothers or sisters? That’s rare when alphas and omegas are involved.

Not that my childhood was any better, but I know how unusual my circumstances are.

“That must have been hard.” I frown, shaking my head.

That didn’t help anything. I am trying here. I just suck at connecting with other human beings.

“It was fine. My mom was a great mom. She was a firefighter. She died on duty, but she went out doing what she loved.” Chelsea shrugs. “It still hurts, but I’m proud of all she accomplished. She really was a hero.”

I don’t know what to say to that, but luckily, we reach the guest room.

I gesture to the door across the hall. “There’s no attached bathroom down here, which is the only downside. It is fully stocked, though. Towels are under the sink. The shower is loaded with products.” Sky bumps her head into the door of the bedroom, and it flies against the wall. Chelsea follows the pushy mutt inside the guest room. “I was going to warn you about that. She’s a trained personal protection companion. Basically, she thinks it’s her job to pace the house all night, checking in on everyone. If the door is closed all the way, you’ll hear her bumping her head against it randomly throughout the night. She’s just trying to get in to check on you. On occasion, she has been known to open the door handles. So, please don’t be afraid. Just lock it, and you’ll be fine.” I laugh awkwardly. “She hasn’t figured out how to use a key yet.”

“Aww, that’s okay.” Chelsea squats a little to scratch Sky’s neck. Her thick ass pops out, and I avert my eyes, heading over to drop her blanket and bag on the bed. “It’s kind of nice to have that added level of safety. I bet you’re vicious in protection of your humans.”

She has no idea, but I keep that to myself.

I clap, trying to think if I’ve forgotten anything. “The alarm will be set, so if you need to leave, just let one of us know. I’m up by six every morning to take Sky for her jog. Kase and Arden will be around too.”

“Okay, great. Thank you so much.” She heads over to the bed, and Sky jumps up like she’s got an open invitation.

“Down.” I point to the floor. “Not everyone wants to be covered in a never-ending layer of your fur.”

Chelsea laughs, staring at Sky’s pouty face. “She looks so heartbroken.”

“She’ll get over it. She’s spoiled rotten.” I nod toward the door. “I’m going to get out of your hair. If you need anything, I’m the second door on the right once you hit the top of the stairs.”

“Thank you again.”

“It’s nothing. Seriously, the room is here, and nobody was using it. What time is the delivery truck arriving?”

She frowns. “I don’t actually know. Originally, they were supposed to follow me up and unload everything tonight, but they said I gave an inaccurate representation of my belongings.” She does air quotes around the last few words. “So, I had to pay for an extra day. Which is so weird because I told them I was moving from a two-bedroom apartment. Honestly, I didn’t think it was all that much stuff to move.” She shrugs. “But by that point, I was pretty much stuck. Everything was already on the truck, so I just agreed that it could be delivered tomorrow.”

That sounds shady as fuck.

I’m sure they saw a pregnant woman with no support system and knew they could milk her for extra costs.

What was she going to do?

Cancel and ask them to unload the truck?

That’s highly fucking unlikely.

I’m going to make sure I’m around in the morning to ensure they don’t try to pull any other bullshit.

“Good night, Chelsea.” I aim for the door, slapping my thigh to call Sky. “Get some rest. Come find me if you need anything.”

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