When She Needs Them Most

: Chapter 7

Right after I turned eighteen, up until I was twenty, I spent a while desperately trying to find a pack—much to my mother’s dismay. It wasn’t that she didn’t want me to find one, but she was a bit of a lone wolf. She always said female alphas have trouble meshing with male alphas, even though one of the packs in our neighborhood had male and female alphas, and they made it work.

Who knows? Maybe it was an excuse because she never wanted a pack. Me trying to find bondmates just out of high school worried her. She was afraid I’d bond the wrong kind of alpha and end up stuck in a bad relationship.

It doesn’t happen often, since alpha impulses are designed to love and protect their omega, but there are bad apples. My age and naivety amped up her concern that I would bond with the first pack that showed any interest.

There’s no doubt in my mind. She worried a lot during the course of my life, but she always loved me and looked after me, even if we didn’t have a single thing in common.

Mom loved the outdoors and staying active. I enjoy snuggling and cuddling up next to the fire during cold nights. But she always did her best to ensure I had everything I needed.

Until she went and died on me with no warning.

I’ve spent a lot of time wondering if it would’ve been easier to lose her if I had a pack. Seeing how Arden, Kase, and Lincoln rally to tackle any challenge makes me feel especially lonely.

The couch in the guys’ house smells like them. I’m not sure why I’m so unsettled, but my body aches with exhaustion and a general run-down feeling.

Kase leaves me on the couch while he heads to make lunch. I’m not sure what it is, but it smells delicious. Not quite as good as the scents of the three alphas, but focusing on the food seems more appropriate.

The fluffy blanket wrapped around my shoulders is comfy and helps the room feel smaller. My eyes roam over my computer, but I’m not getting any actual work done. Luckily, I padded my schedule with a few extra weeks in case moving was more complicated than I expected, but I was hoping to get ahead rather than having to play catch-up.

I pull the blanket up and tuck it over my head from behind before closing my laptop and shoving it aside on the cushion next to me. My head rolls around the back of the couch as my eyes close. Focusing on breathing in deep hits of their scents makes me even warmer and sleepier.

My mind feels busy, running through all the things I need to do. I’ve already called several heating companies and found one that’s available tomorrow. I’ll just need to wear my long john pajamas and grab a couple of extra blankets from the bedding box for tonight. Since my appointment with the new OBGYN isn’t tomorrow, but the next day, I can relax tomorrow and unpack my clothes and the smaller stuff.

My body feels heavy and sleepy as the scents of my neighbors soothe that part of me that’s been a little lost since Clark broke up with me.

It’s highly inappropriate, but I promise myself I’ll only close my eyes for five minutes. Then I’ll eat a quick lunch and go over to my house to start my new life.

My eyes feel heavy, as does my bladder. My head rolls around, a little squeak escaping when I realize I’ve been sleeping on someone’s shoulder.

“Hey.” Kase tilts his head down, giving me a lazy smile. “You were knocked out when I brought lunch.” He laughs, nodding to my lap. “Sky found her way onto the lounger with you, and when I sat down, you snuggled right over into me. I didn’t want to wake you. Did you sleep well?”

Half the baby belly is resting on his hip and side. I’ve been lying against his shoulder, and his arm is tossed over the back of the couch. I’m basically wedged all over him. My heartbeat picks up as I glance down at my legs. All three of us, including Sky, are on the long edge of the sectional.

“Yeah, really well. I’m so sorry that I trapped you here.” My hand flies to rub at my eyes. “How long was I out?”

He looks at the clock on the mantel. “Not long, less than an hour. Are you hungry?”

“Maybe,” I say around a yawn.

Kase gives a shy smile, and it’s a strange thing to be attracted to, but here we are. His canines are extra pointy, like most alphas, but he must have had an excellent orthodontist growing up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a perfect set of straight, white teeth.

Luna has either been awake, and her movement is what woke me up, or she’s just waking up. What were tiny kicks and punches a few months ago, now feel like full-on stretches.

“Whoa, that’s crazy.” Kase chuckles, staring at my stomach as it moves. Sky noses around as her paws scratch the back of the cushion. She sniffs the belly, and her brown eyes look a little confused as Luna pushes back. “Can I?” He nods to my stomach.

I haven’t been asked that by a man. Pushy old women in the grocery store? Oh, they ask all the time, even when she’s not moving.noveldrama

“Yeah.” I smile back, grabbing his hand and pulling it to where she’s wiggling. Of course, she immediately stops, just to be difficult. “Give it a second.”

“I’ve got all the patience in the world.”

I’m smacked with his nutty, blueberry scent as he leans closer. Maybe I’m saturated in it from napping all over him because it seems to be everywhere.

Kase runs his fingers over my stomach, and I glance away. My instincts want to climb on top of him, so he can’t get away while I bury my face in his throat.

My God, my impulses are out of control. The urge to whine and beg until he marks me with his scent has me biting my lip to hold back the sounds.

Luna wiggles, rolling a knee or an elbow against his hand.

“Holy shit, that’s so cool. You’ve got an actual tiny person in there.” Kase laughs, rubbing his hand over the movement. “I bet you’re excited as hell to meet her.”

“Definitely,” I agree, exhaling heavily. “Nervous but excited.”

“You’ve got this. I’m sure all first-time parents worry.”

“Yeah,” I agree, still struggling against my instincts. Pregnancy is weird. My emotions and hormones are all out of whack. “The idea of doing it alone didn’t seem as scary as actually doing it.”

“Can I ask about⁠—”

“Luna’s dad and I weren’t together when I found out, but I did tell him,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. I have no idea why I always feel like I have to defend myself.

It’s not really anyone’s business, but I get it.

People wonder.

They’ve got questions.

It’s only natural, considering how rare it is for an omega to be pregnant and unbonded.

“Clark died a few months ago, but we weren’t…” My head shakes as my eyes fall shut. “He had bigger things going on than this. It’s okay. He did everything he could for me and Luna. He left me the money that I used to rent the house.”

“I’m sorry,” he says, still caressing my stomach.

It’s been so long since I’ve been touched, and that, combined with talking about everything, has me all out of whack. “No, it’s okay. I get why people wonder.” Ready to move on from this topic, I shift restlessly. “I need the restroom.”

“Let me help.” Kase moves his arm from the back of the couch to between me and it. “Down, Sky.” The giant dog huffs her displeasure, but she still jumps down. Kase slides to the next cushion and helps me scoot to the edge. He uses his forearm around my lower back to help pull me up, and then we’re both standing. He awkwardly pats my stomach with the hand still on my belly.

“Thank you,” I whisper, bolting for the bathroom before I burst into tears over something ridiculous—like a man helping me stand up. I can’t remember the last time I climbed off the couch without it being an ordeal. I’ve clearly got to get the hell out of here. I’m a hot mess, and subjecting them to my mood swings seems cruel, when they’ve gone out of their way to be so kind.

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